How to get the hash of the model in libtorch?

Hello everyone,
I was looking for the equivalent of id() in python that would get the objects hash. I noticed libtorch offers a get_hash() function and the documentation says it works with all types!

Use this function to actually hash multiple things in one line.

but when I try to use this with a scripted module, it fails :

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	C2672	'dispatch_hash': no matching overloaded function found	Model_embedder_test	D:\LibtorchPort\Dependencies\libtorch-release-latest\libtorch\include\torch\csrc\utils\hash.h	78	
Error	C2893	Failed to specialize function template 'unknown-type torch::_hash_detail::dispatch_hash(const T &)'	Model_embedder_test	D:\LibtorchPort\Dependencies\libtorch-release-latest\libtorch\include\torch\csrc\utils\hash.h	78	

whats wrong here? apart from this whats my other options? I need to use something unique about a module to differentiate it from others.