How to implement this with pytorch function (subtitude for For loops)?

How to implement this (essentially calculating average of vectors)

batch_size, d= 8, 128
n, N= 100, 10

feature=torch.rand(batch_size, n, d)
belong=torch.randint(0, N, (batch_size,n))
output=torch.zeros(batch_size, N, d)

for i in range(batch_size):
    for j in range(N):

with high-performance, CUDA-friendly and autograd-friendly pytorch function?
Grateful to your help :slight_smile:
P.S. I tried torch.index_add and it performs badly for CUDA

Hi ljmzlh!

The core issue is that feature[i][belong[i]==j] has a different
shape for different values of i and j. Therefore if you try to build a
“tensor” whose “slices” are given by the above expression, you will
end up with a “ragged tensor” (that is, a tensor whose slices have
differing shapes). And pytorch doesn’t support ragged tensors.

Once you use such boolean “indexing” (the cause of the differing
shapes), there is no way for you to complete your calculation using
pure tensor operations.

Instead, you should convert the boolean expression belong[i]==j
to a 0, 1 numerical mask and use element-wise multiplication to mask
the desired elements of feature[i]. (The boolean tensor will be
automatically cast to a numerical tensor in the context we use it, so
we don’t have to do it explicitly.)

Also, because you are calculating mean() rather than sum(), it proves
convenient to use a 0, 1 / nTrue mask, rather than a 0, 1 mask.

Lastly, there is no complication in using tensor operations to perform
the calculation on all batch elements (all slices along the batch_size
dimension) at the same time.

Here is an illustrative script:

import torch
print (torch.__version__)

_ = torch.manual_seed (2021)

batch_size, d= 8, 128
n, N= 100, 10

feature=torch.rand(batch_size, n, d)
belong=torch.randint(0, N, (batch_size,n))

# boolean "indexing" with loop
output=torch.zeros(batch_size, N, d)

for i in range(batch_size):
    for j in range(N):

# loop-free tensor method
mask = belong.unsqueeze (-1) == torch.arange (N)
mask = mask / mask.sum (1).unsqueeze (1)   # to compute mean() rather than sum()
outputB = torch.einsum ('ijk, ijl -> ikl', mask, feature)

print ('outputB.allclose (output) =', outputB.allclose (output))

And here is its output:

outputB.allclose (output) = True


K. Frank

That’s helpful, thank you!