How to iteratively remove non-optimal directories during HPO to save space


Could I ask,

When I run pytorch lightning with HPO it creates a lot of directories like this:


Each dir containing a checkpoint, log etc.

Is there a way to optimize this for space? For example, if a directory is found to have a better val_acc (my metric of interest for HPO) then we don’t need to keep the less better val_acc HPO attempt, so can I delete these as I go through the HPO process?

My code for running HPO is:

def run_ray(metric='val_acc', mode='max',num_samples=4000,config_dict={}, checkpoint_file_name="full_run_2_hemolysis_ray_ckpt",config_file='full_run_2_hemolysis/hemolysis/best_config.txt',local_dir='full_run_2_hemolysis/hemolysis/runs/'):

    hyperopt_search = HyperOptSearch(metric=metric, mode=mode)

    #change from gpu {"gpu": 1}
    tuner = tune.Tuner(tune.with_resources(train_fn,{"gpu": 1}), tune_config=tune.TuneConfig(num_samples=num_samples,search_alg=hyperopt_search),param_space=config_dict,run_config= RunConfig(local_dir=local_dir))
    results =   
    best_result = results.get_best_result(metric=metric, mode=mode) 

    config_file = open(config_file, 'a')
    config_file.write(str(best_result.config) + '\n')

    best_checkpoint = best_result.checkpoint
    path = os.path.join(str(best_checkpoint.to_directory()), checkpoint_file_name)

    model = GraphLevelGNN.load_from_checkpoint(path)

    return best_result.log_dir,model

I’m not sure if I’ve given enough information, I just didn’t want to overload with irrelevent details. Or also maybe this is more a question about ray, let me know if it’s not appropriate.