How to quantize model have more than one output?

I want to quantize segmentation models like u2net(u2net model github
u2net structure is like below:

    def forward(self,x):

        hx = x

        #stage 1
        hx1 = self.stage1(hx)
        hx = self.pool12(hx1)

        #stage 2
        hx2 = self.stage2(hx)
        hx = self.pool23(hx2)

        #stage 3
        hx3 = self.stage3(hx)
        hx = self.pool34(hx3)

        #stage 4
        hx4 = self.stage4(hx)
        hx = self.pool45(hx4)

        #stage 5
        hx5 = self.stage5(hx)
        hx = self.pool56(hx5)

        #stage 6
        hx6 = self.stage6(hx)
        hx6up = _upsample_like(hx6,hx5)

        #-------------------- decoder --------------------
        hx5d = self.stage5d(,hx5),1))
        hx5dup = _upsample_like(hx5d,hx4)

        hx4d = self.stage4d(,hx4),1))
        hx4dup = _upsample_like(hx4d,hx3)

        hx3d = self.stage3d(,hx3),1))
        hx3dup = _upsample_like(hx3d,hx2)

        hx2d = self.stage2d(,hx2),1))
        hx2dup = _upsample_like(hx2d,hx1)

        hx1d = self.stage1d(,hx1),1))

        #side output
        d1 = self.side1(hx1d)

        d2 = self.side2(hx2d)
        d2 = _upsample_like(d2,d1)

        d3 = self.side3(hx3d)
        d3 = _upsample_like(d3,d1)

        d4 = self.side4(hx4d)
        d4 = _upsample_like(d4,d1)

        d5 = self.side5(hx5d)
        d5 = _upsample_like(d5,d1)

        d6 = self.side6(hx6)
        d6 = _upsample_like(d6,d1)

        d0 = self.outconv(,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6),1))

        return F.sigmoid(d0), F.sigmoid(d1), F.sigmoid(d2), F.sigmoid(d3), F.sigmoid(d4), F.sigmoid(d5), F.sigmoid(d6)

has 7 output !!!
I define Quantizedu2net class like below:

class Quantizedu2net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, model_fp32):
        super(Quantizedu2net, self).__init__()
        # QuantStub converts tensors from floating point to quantized.
        # This will only be used for inputs.
        self.quant = torch.quantization.QuantStub()
        # DeQuantStub converts tensors from quantized to floating point.
        # This will only be used for outputs.
        self.dequant = torch.quantization.DeQuantStub()
        # FP32 model
        self.model_fp32 = model_fp32

    def forward(self, x):
        # manually specify where tensors will be converted from floating
        # point to quantized in the quantized model
        x = self.quant(x)
        x = self.model_fp32(x)
        # manually specify where tensors will be converted from quantized
        # to floating point in the quantized model
        x = self.dequant(x)
        return x

but when I want to save a quantized model, I get error:

forward(__torch__.torch.nn.quantized.modules.DeQuantize self, Tensor Xq) -> (Tensor):
Expected a value of type 'Tensor (inferred)' for argument 'Xq' but instead found type 'Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]'.
Inferred 'Xq' to be of type 'Tensor' because it was not annotated with an explicit type.
  File "/home/segmentation_u2net/", line 1086
        # manually specify where tensors will be converted from quantized
        # to floating point in the quantized model
        x = self.dequant(x)
            ~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE
        return x

can anyone help me?

yeah you would need to modify the original model instead of wrapping it inside self.model_fp32 here I think. Or if you don’t have access to the original model, you could unpack the output of self.model_fp32(x) and Add a dequant stub for the ones that needs to be dequantized.