How to reshape a list?

So, the way you currently have it written, target['a'] is a list, not a Tensor, as you can see in the error. Because it’s a list, you can’t use any PyTorch methods on it.

Normally, if target['a'] were a list of lists, you could just call torch.tensor(target['a']) to convert it, and from there, use PyTorch methods like permute(). For example:

a = [1,2,3]
b = []
for i in range(3):
b = torch.tensor(b)

However, your target['a'] is a list of tensors, and it seems that you can’t simply cast it to a tensor in this case.

That’s why I suggested either preallocating a large tensor, and then saving to each row. Or concatenating tensors together. According to this post, you can put a list of tensors into to concatenate them together. Meaning, you can do['a']). However, this will give you a tensor of shape [800,64,32,32].

Also mentioned in the post linked above is that concatenates into a current dimension, while torch.stack() stacks in a new dimension. Therefore, if you want the shape after concatenation to be [800,1,64,32,32], you should use torch.stack().

Note, both and torch.stack() allow you to specify which dimension you want things concatenated / stacked in, so you may be able to avoid needing to permute afterward altogether. I.e.:

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