How to set 'nan' in Tensor to 0

Hi, all

How to set ‘nan’ in Tensor to 0? Now I have a extremely inefficient method:

my_tensor_np = my_tensor.cpu().numpy()
my_tensor_np [np.isnan(my_tensor_np )] = 0
my_tensor.copy_(torch.from_numpy(my_tensor_np ).cuda())

But copy tensor between gpu and cpu takes lots of time, so I need a more efficient way.

Anyone can help me? Thanks a lot!


NaN means a value which is undefined or unrepresentable. In most cases it makes no sense to simply set NaNs to zero.

Thank you, iamalbert

A paper I recently read use this trick but implemented in Theano. I want to re-implement their algorithm in PyTorch.

I think np.isnan is a useful function, but torch doesn’t implement it, is there a efficient solution?

Thank you!

It’s simple, a != a will give you a ByteTensor, indicating the positions of NaNs

>>> b

    nan     nan -0.8395
    nan     nan     nan
-1.7921     nan  0.1864
[torch.FloatTensor of size 3x3]

>>> b != b

 1  1  0
 1  1  1
 0  1  0
[torch.ByteTensor of size 3x3]

you can use b[b != b] = 0 to set all NaNs to zero.


Seems not work now.

I tried below code in v0.20:

a = torch.Tensor([1,2,3,4,5])
b = 0.0
c = a / b
c != c

got all 0s.

Is there any function like np.nan_to_num?

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@Ben, that’s because c in your example is all Inf, not NaN. Albert’s suggestion works:

a = torch.Tensor([float('NaN'), 1, float('NaN'), 2, 3])
a[a != a] = 0

Hi @Chen-Wei_Xie,

torch.isnan() was implemented earlier this year. So now you can set the NaN’s to 0’s using my_tensor[torch.isnan(my_tensor)] = 0



See discussion in ReLU turns nan into zeros. As of pytorch 4.1 ReLU can’t be used for this anymore though. I’ve asked about it there.

For completness I’ll copy my answer:

Thank you, I’ll continue the discussion here. This works both forwards/backwards on CPU:

import torch

model = torch.nn.Linear(10,10)
x = torch.ones(10,10).detach()
x[0,0] = x[0,0]+float('NaN')

optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
y = model(x)
y[y!=y] = 0 
loss = y.sum()

Could someone verify if it works on GPU?

Also, anyone has insights on the computational cost vs the ol’ ReLU-hack?

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wonderful!thanks very much.

Modifying tensors in-place can cause issues with backprop. Here is my solution, since this is still ranked highly on google:

safe_tensor = torch.where(torch.isnan(my_tensor), torch.zeros_like(my_tensor), my_tensor)


From version 1.8.1, torch.nan_to_num — PyTorch 1.8.1 documentation is now available. It replaces NaN , positive infinity, and negative infinity values in input with the values specified by nan , posinf , and neginf , respectively.

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