How to train only about a specific indices in DistributedSampler?

I also had the same issue with Weighted Random Sampler and I found This reply from @ptrblck to be the best one
So based on the source code it would change like this

class DistributedSubset(Sampler):
    #It’s common to call the total number of processes the world size

    def __init__(self,indices):
        self.indices = indices
    def __iter__(self):
        # deterministically shuffle based on epoch
        x=[self.indices[i] for i in torch.randperm(len(self.indices))]
        return iter(x)
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.indices)

    def set_epoch(self, epoch):
        self.epoch = epoch

Just make sure you use set_epoch() for every epoch to shuffle the data
Let me know if it was helpful !