How to use condition flow?

I want to do condition control similiar to tf.cond.
I got a ByteTensor after applying x > 0 but I don’t know what to do then

You probably get this error when you try to use the ByteTensor as a boolean:

RuntimeError: bool value of non-empty torch.ByteTensor objects is ambiguous

One possibility is to use (x>0).numpy() if your tensor only contains one single element.

x if (x > 0).numpy() else x-1

Does that numpy bool create proper computing graph? If so, why that’s the case? I’m not sure why pytorch can create computing graph with mixing numpy arrays and pytorch variables.

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if x is a Tensor, then x > 0 will return a ByteTensor with value 1 where x[i] > 0 and value 0 where x[i] <= 0.

x if (x > 0).numpy() else x-1

In this case, is x a Tensor? If x is part of the graph, it has to be a Variable.

Can you elaborate a bit more on what exactly you are trying to do?

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You could do that something like that in the forward method. It will be a correct graph:

def forward(self, x):
    x = self.module1(x)
    if ( > 0).all():
        return self.module2(x)
        return self.module3(x)

I think we don’t support all() on Variables yet, but we should add that. In this case unpacking the data is safe. You can also use any().


Problem sovled. Thanks for help.

Hi, does the condition work on a sample by sample basis? or does the condition apply across all the samples in batch? I am confused about this. Can you please explain it?

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I don’t think it works on a per sample basis. Can someone please provide a proper equivalent to tf.cond().

Could you post your use case so that we could have a look at it?
Since you can use Python conditions in PyTorch, it’s a bit hard to provide an example other than what was already posted.

Well, it’s something like this:

out_tensor1, out_tensor2, out_tensor3 = tf.cond(some_condition,
                         lambda: some_tensor1, some_tensor2, some_tensor3,
                         lambda: some_tensor4, some_tensor5, some_tensor6)

Currently, I am using a workaround I found on another thread:

def where(cond, f1, f2):
    return c * f1() + (1-c) * f2()

and finding all 3 out_tensors seperately. Though having an inbuilt operation in pytorch would be useful.

I’m not sure, how the TF code works exactly, but if it’s just an assignment, wouldn’t this work:

if some_condition:
    out_tensor1, out_tensor2, out_tensor3 = some_tensor1, some_tensor2, some_tensor3
    out_tensor1, out_tensor2, out_tensor3 = some_tensor4, some_tensor5, some_tensor6

Sorry, in my previous post, the variable some_condition is actually a tensor of conditions, like (tensorA > tensorB).
And, the code I used is actually:

some_condition = some_condition.type(torch.LongTensor)
out_tensor1 = some_condition * some_tensor1 + (1-some_condition) * some_tensor2

and, similarly for out_tensor 2 and 3. I couldn’t find a function which would perform the operation for all 3 out_tensors at once. Anyways it’s working now, thanks.



Could the tensor.unbind() function be used on .data, to work per sample basis?

EDIT: For everyone interested, after some more research, I am going to use batch_size = 1, use any condition that I only dream of :wink: and later use this approach: Increasing Mini-batch Size without Increasing Memory | by David Morton | Medium to achieve a larger batch for gradient backward passing