Improving prediction where BCEwithlogitloss and F1 score are used to train and score

Hi, I am more or less new to pytorch so any recommendations would be appreciated!!

I am working on a project where I am trying to hit an F1 score of 0.89 and am stuck at 0.87. I am classifying “words” (not real words just sequence of some letters) of 4 letters each between two classes of active and inactive → binary classification. Each letter was converted to a one hot vector format → to generate a 4 hot vector? I have implemented both CrossEntropyloss and BCEwithlogitloss (latter example is shown bellow) to optimize my code, and then on my validation set use the F1 score, after every 10 epochs) to make sure the optimizing is doing its job (reset model to 10 epochs earlier if F1 doesnt decrease and decrease learning rate).

The provided data has 100000 cases of active and 4000 cases of inactive → for both losses I used weights initally 1/100, 1/4.

I have varied many things eg. increasing number of layers, increasing size of layers, changing the weights but it seems no matter what I reach 0.87 (or worse) and then my model gets stuck.

What can I change maybe to increase performance?

class NN(nn.Module):
def init(self, input_dim, output_dim, layer_size):
super(NN, self).init()

    self.f1 = nn.Linear(input_dim, layer_size)
    self.f2 = nn.Linear(layer_size, layer_size)
    self.f3 = nn.Linear(layer_size, output_dim)

def forward(self, input):
    s1 = F.relu(self.f1(input))
    s2 = F.relu(self.f2(s1))
    s3 = self.f3(s2)

    return s3

batch_size, input_dim, output_dim, layer_size = 32, 84, 2, 100

def get_batch_paired(batch_size, tensor_1, tensor_2):
idx = np.arange(tensor_1.shape[0])
temp = np.random.permutation(idx)[:batch_size]
tensor_data_1 = torch.from_numpy(tensor_1[temp].astype(np.float32))
tensor_data_2 = torch.from_numpy(tensor_2[temp].astype(np.float32))
return tensor_data_1, tensor_data_2

def save_checkpoint(new_score_track, new_learning_rate, new_model_state_dict, PATH):{‘score_track’: new_score_track,
‘learning_rate’: new_learning_rate,
‘net_state_dict’: new_model_state_dict
}, PATH)

from sklearn.utils import shuffle
shuffled_x, shuffled_y = shuffle(x_train_set, y_train_set)

train_input_set, validation_input_set = np.split(shuffled_x, [int(.7 * shuffled_x.shape[0])])

train_target_set, validation_target_set = np.split(shuffled_y, [int(.7 * shuffled_y.shape[0])])

train_size = train_input_set.shape[0]

######################################################################################################################### OPTIMIZING ###############################################################################

loss_fnct = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(weight=torch.Tensor([1/100, 1/4]))

num_iterations = train_size / batch_size
num_iterations = int(np.ceil(num_iterations))
print(“Number of Iterations Per Epoch:”, num_iterations)

####### OPTIM

it = 0
epoch = 0
flag = True
start = time.time()

for j in range(1000):
if flag == True:
checkpoint = torch.load(‘test_5.pth’)
lr = checkpoint[‘learning_rate’]
score_track = checkpoint[‘score_track’]
if j == 0:
lr = 0.001
optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr)
flag = False

if j % 5 == 1 or j == 0:
    epoch_loss_progress = []
    epoch_it_progress = []
for i in range(num_iterations):
    ####### TRAIN ##################################################################################################

    train_input, train_target = get_batch_paired(batch_size, train_input_set, train_target_set)
    train_predict = net(train_input)
    train_target = train_target.view(batch_size, 2)
    train_predict = train_predict.view(batch_size, 2)

    loss = loss_fnct(train_predict, train_target)


    it += 1
####### SAVING GOOD MODEL/LOADING PREVIOUS MODEL ###################################################################

validation_input_set_tensor = torch.from_numpy(validation_input_set)
validation_prediction_set = net(validation_input_set_tensor.float())

track_y = []
for i in range(validation_prediction_set.shape[0]):
    top_n, top_i = validation_prediction_set[i, :].topk(1)
validation_prediction_set = np.array(track_y)
validation_prediction_set.reshape((-1, 1))

validation_target_score_set = validation_target_set[:, 1]

end = time.time()
f1_validation_score = f1_score(validation_target_score_set.astype(int), validation_prediction_set.astype(int))
print('Epoch:', epoch, '\nScore:', f1_validation_score, '\nTime:',
      end - start)

if score_track < f1_validation_score and j % 10 == 0 and j > 0:
    print('############################', '\nMODEL UPDATED', '\nscore_track:', score_track, '\nLr:', lr)
    save_checkpoint(f1_validation_score, lr, net.state_dict(), 'test_5.pth')
    print('new score_track:', f1_validation_score, '\n############################')
    flag = True

elif j % 10 == 0 and j > 0:
    print('############################', '\nMODEL RESET TO EPOCH BEFORE', '\nscore_track:', score_track,
          '\nEpoch_score:', f1_validation_score)
    save_checkpoint(checkpoint['score_track'], lr / 3, checkpoint['net_state_dict'], 'test_5.pth')
    print('New Lr:', lr / 3, '\n############################')
    flag = True
epoch += 1

Hey, I was recently doing a multi-label classification where there is a huge number of possible labels in the space of labels but each batch item will have only a few labels.

I tried optimizing my model using BCEWithLogitsLoss. But this didn’t turn out useful. My accuracy was close to negligible.

My optimization problem is such that I need a consistency guarantee with the predicted labels in the multi-class labels.

As a solution, I recently stumbled upon

They have created a loss function which takes into account the imbalance of positive and negative labels of the target. My optimization which had utterly no growth inaccuracy after a lot of configurations started showing a lot of good promise because of this.

I have come around and seen too many posts on the performance of BCEWithLogits. So if you have a similar problem, Please try this out.