Inconsistencies between PyTorch and NumPy when performing 32-bit floating-point sums

Performing the same 32-bit floating-point sums in PyTorch and NumPy gives me noticeably different results in some cases (both yield the same results in 64-bit). The difference in results between 64-bit and 32-bit is expected, as are differences between some of the other sums, but the difference between torch.sum(xs_f_32 * nscores_32) and the manual for loop feels more surprising: presumably it’s to do with the way the reduction is done internally? Is the inconsistency expected (as in, “we explicitly don’t guarantee that they’ll be the same”), or should they be producing the same result?

import numpy as np
import torch

def numpy_example() -> None:
    xs_f = np.array([567.5, 568.5, 567.5, 568.5, 567.5, 568.5])
    scores = np.array([73.5, 73.5, 100.5, 98.5, 41.5, 37.5])
    nscores = scores / np.sum(scores)

    print(np.sum(xs_f * scores) / np.sum(scores))                           # 567.9929411764706
    print(np.sum(xs_f * nscores))                                           # 567.9929411764705
    print(xs_f.T @ nscores)                                                 # 567.9929411764706

    xs_f_32 = xs_f.astype(np.float32)
    scores_32 = scores.astype(np.float32)
    nscores_32 = nscores.astype(np.float32)

    print((np.sum(xs_f_32 * scores_32) / np.sum(scores_32)).item())         # 567.992919921875
    print(np.sum(xs_f_32 * nscores_32).item())                              # 567.992919921875
    print((xs_f_32.T @ nscores_32).item())                                  # 567.992919921875

def torch_example() -> None:
    xs_f = torch.tensor([567.5, 568.5, 567.5, 568.5, 567.5, 568.5], dtype=torch.float64)
    scores = torch.tensor([73.5, 73.5, 100.5, 98.5, 41.5, 37.5], dtype=torch.float64)
    nscores = scores / torch.sum(scores)

    print((torch.sum(xs_f * scores) / torch.sum(scores)).item())            # 567.9929411764706
    print(torch.sum(xs_f * nscores).item())                                 # 567.9929411764706
    print((xs_f @ nscores).item())                                          # 567.9929411764706

    xs_f_32 = xs_f.type(torch.float32)
    scores_32 = scores.type(torch.float32)
    nscores_32 = nscores.type(torch.float32)

    print((torch.sum(xs_f_32 * scores_32) / torch.sum(scores_32)).item())   # 567.992919921875
    print(torch.sum(xs_f_32 * nscores_32).item())                           # 567.9929809570312 <--

    p = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float32)
    for i in range(len(xs_f_32)):
        p += xs_f_32[i] * nscores_32[i]

    print(p.item())                                                         # 567.992919921875

    print((xs_f_32 @ nscores_32).item())                                    # 567.9929809570312 <--

if __name__ == "__main__":

Yes, since different algorithms could be used leading to a different expected error compared to a wider dtype.

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Thanks - do you happen to know what algorithm actually is used by any chance please? I’m curious to understand exactly from where the difference is coming. Also, do you know if there’s any way of controlling the algorithm used explicitly?


No, I don’t know which BLAS library numpy uses and also don’t know which algorithm PyTorch uses on the CPU (I would assume it might still use MKL for x86).

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Ok no worries - thanks for the help anyway!