IndexError: Dimension out of range (expected to be in range of [-1, 0], but got -3)

Hi, I use training code of

But, I meet an error of;

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/content/drive/MyDrive/FINAL_ARCH/./src/”, line 68, in
File “/content/drive/MyDrive/FINAL_ARCH/./src/”, line 62, in main
File “/content/drive/MyDrive/FINAL_ARCH/src/”, line 168, in trainer
d_total_acu = torch.mean(, d_fake_acu), se-8))
IndexError: Dimension out of range (expected to be in range of [-1, 0], but got -3)

Is there any comment for me…?
Actually, it worked well with the same code a year ago, but suddenly it doesn’t work… This is because something’s been upgraded?

I don’t know what se-8 represents, but it’s apparently used as the dim argument in and is raising the error.
Check the dimensions of d_real_acu and d_fake_acu and make sure concatenates them in the right and supported dimension.

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Thanks for reply :slight_smile:
Actually, I’m very new to this field.
I received this deep learning a year ago and that is work well at that time,
But there is an error when I try it again this time.
Wouldn’t this error be caused by a function change due to the update of the package?
Because I run this script at colab…


Train 3dgan models

import torch
from torch import optim
from torch import  nn
from utils import *
import os

from model import net_G, net_D

# added
import datetime
import time
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import params
from tqdm import tqdm

def save_train_log(writer, loss_D, loss_G, itr):
    scalar_info = {}
    for key, value in loss_G.items():
        scalar_info['train_loss_G/' + key] = value
    for key, value in loss_D.items():
        scalar_info['train_loss_D/' + key] = value

    for tag, value in scalar_info.items():
        writer.add_scalar(tag, value, itr)

def save_val_log(writer, loss_D, loss_G, itr):
    scalar_info = {}
    for key, value in loss_G.items():
        scalar_info['val_loss_G/' + key] = value
    for key, value in loss_D.items():
        scalar_info['val_loss_D/' + key] = value

    for tag, value in scalar_info.items():
        writer.add_scalar(tag, value, itr)

def trainer(args):

    # added for output dir
    save_file_path = params.output_dir + '/' + args.model_name
    no =
    model_uid = no.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S")
    se = int(str(no)[6])+1
    writer = SummaryWriter(params.output_dir+'/'+args.model_name+'/'+model_uid+'_'+args.logs+'/logs')

    image_saved_path = params.output_dir + '/' + args.model_name + '/' + model_uid + '_' + args.logs + '/images'
    if not os.path.exists(image_saved_path):

    print (save_file_path)  # ../outputs/dcgan
    if not os.path.exists(save_file_path):

    model_saved_path = params.output_dir + '/' + args.model_name + '/' + model_uid + '_' + args.logs + '/models'
    if not os.path.exists(model_saved_path):

    # datset define
    # dsets_path = args.input_dir + args.data_dir + "train/"
    dsets_path = args.data_dir
    # if params.cube_len == 64:
    #     dsets_path = params.data_dir + params.model_dir + "30/train64/"

    print (dsets_path)   # ../volumetric_data/chair/30/train/

    train_dsets = ShapeNetDataset(dsets_path, args, "train")
    # val_dsets = ShapeNetDataset(dsets_path, args, "val")
    train_dset_loaders =, batch_size=params.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=1)
    # val_dset_loaders =, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=1)
    dset_len = {"train": len(train_dsets)}
    dset_loaders = {"train": train_dset_loaders}
    # print (dset_len["train"])

    # model define
    D = net_D(args)
    G = net_G(args)

    D_solver = optim.Adam(D.parameters(), lr=params.d_lr, betas=params.beta)
    # D_solver = optim.SGD(D.parameters(), lr=args.d_lr, momentum=0.9)
    G_solver = optim.Adam(G.parameters(), lr=params.g_lr, betas=params.beta)

    # Commented out because we are using parelell computing

    criterion_D = nn.BCELoss()
    # criterion_D = nn.MSELoss()

    criterion_G = nn.L1Loss()

    itr_val = se-9
    itr_train = se-9

    for epoch in range(params.epochs):

        start = time.time()
        for phase in ['train']:
            if phase == 'train':
                # if args.lrsh:
                #     D_scheduler.step()

            running_loss_G = 0.0
            running_loss_D = 0.0
            running_loss_adv_G = 0.0

            for i, X in enumerate(tqdm(dset_loaders[phase])):

                # if phase == 'val':
                #     itr_val += 1

                if phase == 'train':
                    itr_train += 1

                X =

                batch = X.size()[0]

                Z = generateZ(args, batch)

                # ============= Train the discriminator =============#
                d_real = D(X)


                fake = G(Z)
                d_fake = D(fake)

                real_labels = torch.ones_like(d_real).to(params.device)
                fake_labels = torch.zeros_like(d_fake).to(params.device)
                # print (d_fake.size(), fake_labels.size())

                if params.soft_label:
                    real_labels = torch.Tensor(batch).uniform_(0.7, 1.2).to(params.device)
                    fake_labels = torch.Tensor(batch).uniform_(0, 0.3).to(params.device)

                # print (d_real.size(), real_labels.size())
                d_real_loss = criterion_D(d_real, real_labels)

                d_fake_loss = criterion_D(d_fake, fake_labels)

                d_loss = d_real_loss + d_fake_loss

                # no deleted
                d_real_acu =, se/16).float()
                d_fake_acu = torch.le(d_fake.squeeze(), se/16).float()
                d_total_acu = torch.mean(, d_fake_acu), se-8))

                if d_total_acu < params.d_thresh:

This it the script above…

I think it’s because Torch’s version has been upgraded, it will be solved if I downgrade it?
And do you know the version of last year torch…?

You are using the current month for some processing:

no =
se = int(str(no)[6])+1
..., d_fake_acu), se-8)

so could you explain why the current data is used as a dimension argument for PyTorch operations?

Thank you so much for helping me solve it.
I don’t know why that used the current month because it wasn’t the code I made,
but it was the code I used last July, so I changed it based on it and it worked well.

se = int(str(n0)[6])+4

Thanks again :slight_smile:

It’s good to hear you’ve solved the issue, but in case you are still using the current month to concatenate the tensor you might need to change the code next month again.
I’m still unsure why you (or the original author) are using the month in the first place.