IndexError: too many indices for tensor of dimension 1


this is very weird.

I have two tensors, inds and scores

where inds.ndim=1 and scores.ndim=1

and inds.shape=(28), scores.shape=(300)

the content is:

inds tensor([  1,   2,  18,   3,   0,  11,  12,  16,  14, 163,  41, 104,  87, 139,
        176,  74, 304, 143, 261, 265, 191, 257, 316, 106, 267, 241, 118, 253],

when calling


pytorch would throw

IndexError: too many indices for tensor of dimension 1

but calling

torch.gather(scores, 0, inds) is fine

any idea?

ok. this indeed no pytorch issue. but torch2trt issue (