Inplace operation Runtime Error

Hi Elizabeth!

I don’t really understand actor-critic training, but it seems that such models
are hotbeds for inplace-modification errors. You might start by looking at
this discussion of some of the ways such errors can arise

Do you call .backward (retain_graph = True) anywhere? Doing so is
sometimes (usually?) incorrect and can lead to inplace-modification errors.

Note that the shape of the problem tensor, [512, 25], can be a useful
piece of information, see below.

Based on the forward-call traceback and the shape reported for the problem
tensor, it looks like last_fc of one of your Critics – a tensor presumably
being optimized – is the cause of your problem.

One possibility is that you are doing something like:

loss.backward (retain_graph = True)   # leaves Critic.last_fc in what will become a stale computation graph
opt.step()                            # counts as an inplace modification
loss.backward (...)                   # backpropagates through the stale graph and hits the modified Critic.last_fc

In any event, you can find various methods for finding inplace-modification errors in the following post (which happens to be about an actor-critic model):

Good luck!

K. Frank

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