Input has less dimensions

Tried this one as well, results haven’t improved at all.

I’m not sure, how to help, since it seems to be related to your general use case.
Have you tried different learning rates? Are you freezing the base model or are you fine-tuning it as well?
How are you handling the loss? Do you have different loss functions for your outputs?

  1. I have tried different learning rates
  2. I am not freezing the base model yet, only augmented 2 for now.
  3. I am using Cross Entropy now, although i have tried triplet+cross entropy as well.
  4. No I don’t have different loss functions.

In case of ResNet with stride convolutions (i.e. the input and output differ in dimensional). What is the best practice to add input with output ? or it doesn’t matter if I used trivial padding for the output tensor ?
