Interpolate a tensor dimension from x to nx

Thanks to this post (Repeat examples along batch dimension), I used torch.repeat_interleave to do it.

import torch

shape = x, y = 2, 3
or : 
  - shape = x, y, z = _, _, _, ...
  - shape = x, y, z, t, ... = _, _, _, _, ...
n = 3

t = torch.rand(shape)
tensor([[0.4963, 0.7682, 0.0885],
        [0.1320, 0.3074, 0.6341]])

t_interpolate = torch.repeat_interleave(t, repeats=n, dim=0)
tensor([[0.4963, 0.7682, 0.0885],
        [0.4963, 0.7682, 0.0885],
        [0.4963, 0.7682, 0.0885],
        [0.1320, 0.3074, 0.6341],
        [0.1320, 0.3074, 0.6341],
        [0.1320, 0.3074, 0.6341]])

assert t_interpolate.size() == torch.Size([n * shape[0], *shape[1:]])
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