Is there any implmentation of vgg+unet on pytorch?

i am looking for the source of unet and vgg as an encoder on pytorch

thank you @Tony-Y , the probelm when i try to follow the implemntation , i am gitting this error

usage: [-h] [--mode {base,adv,semi}] [--lam_adv LAM_ADV]
                             [--lam_semi LAM_SEMI] [--t_semi T_SEMI] [--nogpu]
                             [--max_epoch MAX_EPOCH]
                             [--start_epoch START_EPOCH] [--snapshot SNAPSHOT]
                             [--snapshot_dir SNAPSHOT_DIR]
                             [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--val_orig]
                             [--d_label_smooth D_LABEL_SMOOTH]
                             [--d_optim {sgd,adam}] [--no_norm]
                             [--init_net {imagenet,mscoco}] [--d_lr D_LR]
                             [--g_lr G_LR] [--seed SEED]
                             [--wait_semi WAIT_SEMI] [--split SPLIT]
                             prefix dataset_dir error: the following arguments are required: dataset_dir
An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.

SystemExit: 2

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