Issue with training using custom loss function


I have implemented the following architecture using pytorch.

I implemented the Grey block in the following loss function.

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable

def _L1_loss(img1, img2, size_average = True):

L1_loss = (img1-img2).abs()

size_average = True

if size_average:
    return L1_loss.mean()
    return L1_loss.mean(1).mean(1).mean(1)

class combined_loss(torch.nn.Module):

def __init__(self, window_size = 7, size_average = True):
    super(combined_loss, self).__init__()
    self.size_average = size_average = 1
    self.kernelh = torch.tensor([[0.088, 0.3536, 0.5303, 0.3536, 0.0884]])
    self.kernelv = torch.tensor([[0.088], [0.3536], [0.5303], [0.3536], [0.0884]])
def forward(self,s1, s2, lp, gt_img):
    kernelh = self.kernelh
    kernelh = kernelh.unsqueeze(dim=0).unsqueeze(dim=0)
    kernelh = kernelh.type_as(s1)
    kernelh = Variable(kernelh.cuda())
    kernelv = self.kernelv
    kernelv = kernelv.unsqueeze(dim=0).unsqueeze(dim=0)
    kernelv = kernelv.type_as(s1)
    kernelv = Variable(kernelv.cuda())
    w = torch.zeros([2, 2])
    w[0, 0] = 1
    w = w.type(torch.float32)
    w = Variable(w)
    w = w.cuda()

    stride = 2
    # upsampling low pass residual
    lp_up = F.conv_transpose2d(lp, w.expand(lp.size(1), 1, 2, 2), stride=stride, groups=lp.size(1))
    lp_up =[:,:,:,0:2],lp_up), dim=3) # padding columns
    lp_up =, lp_up[:,:,:,-2:]), dim=3) # padding columns
    lp_up = F.conv2d(lp_up, kernelh, padding = [0,0], groups = 1) # convolve in horizontal dimension
    lp_up =[:,:,0:2,:],lp_up), dim=2) # padding rows
    lp_up =, lp_up[:,:,-2:,:]), dim=2) # padding rows
    lp_up = F.conv2d(lp_up, kernelv, padding = [0,0], groups = 1) # convolve in vertical dimension
    s2 = lp_up + s2
    # upsampling s2
    s2_up = F.conv_transpose2d(s2, w.expand(s2.size(1), 1, 2, 2), stride=stride, groups=s2.size(1))
    s2_up =[:,:,:,0:2],s2_up), dim=3) # padding columns
    s2_up =, s2_up[:,:,:,-2:]), dim=3) # padding columns
    s2_up = F.conv2d(s2_up, kernelh, padding = [0,0], groups = 1) # convolve in one dimension
    s2_up =[:,:,0:2,:],s2_up), dim=2) # padding rows
    s2_up =, s2_up[:,:,-2:,:]), dim=2) # padding rows
    s2_up = F.conv2d(s2_up, kernelv, padding = [0,0], groups = 1) # convolve in one dimension
    s1 = s2_up + s1  
    return _L1_loss(s1, gt_img, self.size_average)

When the code is run, it is expected to train all 3 CNNs. However the backpropagation does not seem to be happening as the loss does not change with epochs. I am new to pytorch and not able to resolve this. Any help will be appreciated.