Joint training of multiple networks with different losses

It’s the first time I use PyTorch so I’d like to receive some feedback on whether I am doing things correctly. I have a model made of 3 different networks, each with its own set of parameters (theta1, theta2, theta3). The scheme below shows the architecture:


The training (supervised) of the model is carried out in two stages, which are iterated until convergence of all parameters. In the first stage, only net2 and net3 are trained, using respectively lossA and lossB. Thus I do the following (pseudocode):

#run forward pass of the model

lossA = nn.MSELoss(y2, y2_true)
lossB = nn.BCELoss(y3, y3_true_stage1)
net2_optimizer.step() #update theta2

net3_optimizer.step() #update theta3

In the second stage, only net1 is trained, using loss = lossA + lossB. However, lossB at this stage is different from lossB at stage1, because the same training examples are now given different labels (i.e. y3_true_stage2 != y3_true_stage1 for the same training examples). Thus in stage 2 I do:

lossA = nn.MSELoss(y2, y2_true)
lossB = nn.BCELoss(y3, y3_true_stage2)
loss = lossA + lossB

net1_optimizer.step() #update theta1

Do you think this code reflects correctly what I want to do, or there’s something that doesn’t match? Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks

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The code looks alright, but rather than rationally saying that it is ok, you should do gradient checking to see everything is working as expected.
PyTorch provides torch.autograd.gradcheck for this purpose docs. Gradient checking is a very good method of debugging mistakes in your model.