Just to confirm, for sharing weights, can directly re-use the same Variable?

Just to confirm, for sharing weights, can directly re-use the same Variable?

Seems like this is the case empirically:

W_init = torch.rand(3, 2)

W = autograd.Variable(W_init.clone(), requires_grad=True)
x = autograd.Variable(torch.rand(1, 3))
h1 = x @ W
h2 = h1 @ W.transpose(0, 1)

grad_out = torch.rand(1, 3)
print('W.grad', W.grad)

W1 = autograd.Variable(W_init.clone(), requires_grad=True)
W2 = autograd.Variable(W_init.clone(), requires_grad=True)
h1 = x @ W1
h2 = h1 @ W2.transpose(0, 1)

print('W1.grad + W2.grad', W1.grad + W2.grad)

=> output shows that W1.grad + W2.grad is identical to W.grad, even though W was re-used directly, without doing anything special etc => seems like empierically supports the idea that we can just directly re-use Variables if we want, for sharing the weights?

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Yes, you just reuse the same Variable !