LIBTORCH/C++ How to initialize weights (Xavier) in a Sequential module with Apply function?

I tried implementing the approach described here:

i.e. creating a function that could be passed to Apply on all modules part of the sequential net. Here is the code:


void Init_Weights(torch::nn::Module& m)
if (typeid(m) == typeid(torch::nn::Linear))
torch::nn::init::constant_(m->bias, 0.01);

int main() {

torch::nn::Sequential XORModel(
	torch::nn::Linear(2, 3),
	torch::nn::Linear(3, 1),



The problem is that the code will not compile. Torch requires that definition of Init_Weights should have ‘torch::nn::Module& m’ as input. In this case ‘m->weight’ could not be resolved as type Module does not have ‘weight’
If I change definition of Init_Weights so that its input is of ‘torch::nn::Linear& m’ than Init_weights could not be passed to Apply.

Is there a way to initialize (Xavier normal) all weight in Linear modules part of Sequential module?

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