[Libtorch] Memory allocation of a Tensor

Hello everyone. I am looking into the libtorch library to get a deep understand of how a Tensor is created in order to find the memory allocation function (such as malloc, alloc,…) used by the developer of libtorch.
All the file that I am seeing is in “libtorch/include/c10/core” folder
As far as I know, a Tensor has a pointer to a storage struct (which contains actual data) and metadata (e.g, sizes and strides). It is described in “TensorImpl.h” (line 246):

 * The low-level representation of a tensor, which contains a pointer
 * to a storage (which contains the actual data) and metadata (e.g., sizes and
 * strides) describing this particular view of the data as a tensor.
 * Some basic characteristics about our in-memory representation of
 * tensors:
 *  - It contains a pointer to a storage struct (Storage/StorageImpl)
 *    which contains the pointer to the actual data and records the
 *    data type and device of the view.  This allows multiple tensors
 *    to alias the same underlying data, which allows to efficiently
 *    implement differing *views* on a tensor.
 *  - The tensor struct itself records view-specific metadata about
 *    the tensor, e.g., sizes, strides and offset into storage.
 *    Each view of a storage can have a different size or offset.
 *  - This class is intrusively refcounted.  It is refcounted so that
 *    we can support prompt deallocation of large tensors; it is
 *    intrusively refcounted so that we can still perform reference
 *    counted operations on raw pointers, which is often more convenient
 *    when passing tensors across language boundaries.
 *  - For backwards-compatibility reasons, a tensor may be in an
 *    uninitialized state.  A tensor may be uninitialized in the following
 *    two ways:
 *      - A tensor may be DTYPE UNINITIALIZED.  A tensor of this
 *        form has an uninitialized dtype.  This situation most
 *        frequently arises when a user writes Tensor x(CPU).  The dtype and
 *        is subsequently initialized when mutable_data<T>() is
 *        invoked for the first time.
 *      - A tensor may be STORAGE UNINITIALIZED.  A tensor of this form
 *        has non-zero size, but has a storage with a null data pointer.
 *        This situation most frequently arises when a user calls
 *        Resize() or FreeMemory().  This is because Caffe2 historically
 *        does lazy allocation: allocation of data doesn't occur until
 *        mutable_data<T>() is invoked.  A tensor with zero size is
 *        always storage initialized, because no allocation is necessary
 *        in this case.
 *    All combinations of these two uninitialized states are possible.
 *    Consider the following transcript in idiomatic Caffe2 API:
 *      Tensor x(CPU); // x is storage-initialized, dtype-UNINITIALIZED
 *      x.Resize(4); // x is storage-UNINITIALIZED, dtype-UNINITIALIZED
 *      x.mutable_data<float>(); // x is storage-initialized, dtype-initialized
 *      x.FreeMemory(); // x is storage-UNINITIALIZED, dtype-initialized.
 *    All other fields on tensor are always initialized.  In particular,
 *    size is always valid. (Historically, a tensor declared as Tensor x(CPU)
 *    also had uninitialized size, encoded as numel == -1, but we have now
 *    decided to default to zero size, resulting in numel == 0).
 *    Uninitialized storages MUST be uniquely owned, to keep our model
 *    simple.  Thus, we will reject operations which could cause an
 *    uninitialized storage to become shared (or a shared storage to
 *    become uninitialized, e.g., from FreeMemory).
 *    In practice, tensors which are storage-UNINITIALIZED and
 *    dtype-UNINITIALIZED are *extremely* ephemeral: essentially,
 *    after you do a Resize(), you basically always call mutable_data()
 *    immediately afterwards.  Most functions are not designed to
 *    work if given a storage-UNINITIALIZED, dtype-UNINITIALIZED tensor.
 *    We intend to eliminate all uninitialized states, so that every
 *    tensor is fully initialized in all fields.  Please do not write new code
 *    that depends on these uninitialized states.
struct C10_API TensorImpl : public c10::intrusive_ptr_target {
  TensorImpl() = delete;

   * Construct a 1-dim 0-size tensor backed by the given storage.
      Storage&& storage,
      const caffe2::TypeMeta& data_type);

   * Construct a 1-dim 0 size tensor that doesn't have a storage.
  TensorImpl(DispatchKeySet, const caffe2::TypeMeta& data_type, c10::optional<c10::Device> device_opt);

  // Legacy constructors so I don't have to go update call sites.
  // TODO: When Variable is added, delete these constructors
      Storage&& storage,
      DispatchKey dispatch_key,
      const caffe2::TypeMeta& data_type)
      : TensorImpl(
            data_type) {}
  TensorImpl(DispatchKey dispatch_key, const caffe2::TypeMeta& data_type, c10::optional<c10::Device> device_opt)
    : TensorImpl(DispatchKeySet(dispatch_key), data_type, device_opt) {}

  // This constructor is private, because the data_type is redundant with
  // storage.  Still, we pass it in separately because it's easier to write
  // the initializer list if we're not worried about storage being moved out
  // from under us.
  TensorImpl(Storage&& storage, DispatchKeySet, const caffe2::TypeMeta& data_type, c10::optional<c10::Device>);

  TensorImpl(const TensorImpl&) = delete;
  TensorImpl& operator=(const TensorImpl&) = delete;
  TensorImpl(TensorImpl&&) = default;
  TensorImpl& operator=(TensorImpl&&) = default;
(there is still much more code)

Next, I look further into a storage struct (“Storage.h” and “StorageImpl.h”) to see how the memory of storage is allocated, I notice that the “StorageImpl.h” header file includes “Allocator.h” file and contains an Allocator struct. Here is the code of Allocator struct in “Allocator.h” (line 150):

struct C10_API Allocator {
  virtual ~Allocator() = default;

  virtual DataPtr allocate(size_t n) const = 0;

  // If this returns a non nullptr, it means that allocate()
  // is guaranteed to return a unique_ptr with this deleter attached;
  // it means the rawAllocate and rawDeallocate APIs are safe to use.
  // This function MUST always return the same BoundDeleter.
  virtual DeleterFnPtr raw_deleter() const {
    return nullptr;
  void* raw_allocate(size_t n) {
    auto dptr = allocate(n);
    AT_ASSERT(dptr.get() == dptr.get_context());
    return dptr.release_context();
  void raw_deallocate(void* ptr) {
    auto d = raw_deleter();

I think that the memory of a storage struct is created by using the “allocate” function which is directly included from head file .

Am I correct or not? If what I think is wrong then where I can look for the actual allocation function that is used to create a Tensor storage?

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