Linking errors with Pytorch Lite 1.9.0 in Android native app

Amazing, thanks Linbin. I had totally missed that! I made the changes and I am now able to build the app and linking with PT Lite.

Not quite there yet as I’m running into issues with getting torchvision::nms ops to load properly (even with adding 'org.pytorch:pytorch_android_torchvision:1.9.0' to build.gradle and linking with I get c10::Error: Following ops cannot be found. Check for the fix.{torchvision::nms, } at runtime).

And aside from that my ptl models don’t seem to run properly using NNAPI (c10::Error: The implementation of class __torch__.torch.classes._nnapi.Compilation cannot be found.). I still need to investigate a bit more, will post back with progress or ask for help if I’m still stuck.

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