Loading a checkpoint in the DataParallel setting: Questions

I was stuck trying to load a checkpoint trained using DataParallel and a bunch of things seem to have worked so far for me. It took several iterations to fix, and I had to find the following after many attempts of searching. I feel there’s still some things I’m doing wrong, and am hoping this thread would help.

DataParallel Training from start

I found that the usage(gpu0) = gpu1 + gpu2 + gpu3 + gpu0, which was due to computing loss outside. The following confused me, since it said loss can be outside.

The methods in the below thread meanwhile worked, once I put model + loss inside DataParallel, it balanced GPU memory to some extent.

DataParallel Training from checkpoint

Everytime I tried to load it directly, I was getting out of memory error without even reaching the peak batch size I could achieve from the above setting. Eventually, loading weights to CPU first and then load_state_dict on the model from that worked to balance the memory imbalance across GPUs. I believe the following thread partially helped me out:

Current Status

There is still an imbalance. I’m using 3 1080 Tis (1-3) with 11GB max memory. Attempts to increase further gives me OOM, while clearly [2] and [3] has free space.


The following is the main training routine, at this point:

    def checkpoint(model, opt, checkpoint_path):
        _payload = {
            "model": model.module.state_dict(),
            "opt": opt.state_dict()

        with open(checkpoint_path, "wb+") as fp:
            torch.save(_payload, fp)

    def load(model, opt, checkpoint_path):
        _payload = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))

    args = Args()
    model = MaskedMLE.build_model(args, task)
    reduce = True
    max_epochs = 80 

    criterion = nn.NLLLoss(ignore_index=dataset.vocab.pad())
    model = LossGenerator(model, criterion)
    checkpoint_path = "/scratch/jerin/best_checkpoint.pt"
    model = model.to(device)
    model = DataParallel(model)
    opt = optim.Adam(model.parameters())
    if os.path.exists(checkpoint_path):
       load(model, opt, checkpoint_path)

    for epoch in tqdm(range(max_epochs), total=max_epochs, desc='epoch'):
        pbar = tqdm_progress_bar(loader, epoch=epoch)
        count = 0
        for src, src_lens, tgt, tgt_lens in pbar:
            count += 1
            src, tgt = src.to(device), tgt.to(device)
            loss = model(src, src_lens, tgt)

        avg_loss = meters["loss"].avg
        checkpoint(model, opt, checkpoint_path)

What are further improvements I could do? Could someone explain the internals of these things (loading, checkpoint) and best practices?

If I understand the source code of DataParallel correctly, you could try commenting this line model = model.to(device). Also, try specifying the output_device for DataParallel to see if it works.

I tried a bunch of the combos.

  • Commenting out model = model.to(device) gets me Broadcast not implemented for CPUTensors...
  • Looking at the source now, if all outputs have to be gathered at one device, wouldn’t that increase the usage on device_ids[0] anyway? Is there anyway to circumvent this?

Your main problem is you are using Adam. Adam parameters take memory from the main gpu to store its parameters. As far as I know there is nothing you can do. The bigger your model is, the worse this problem will be.
You can try to ask some developer if there is a way of spliting the memory usage of adam among all the gpus but, as you could see in the thread i opened, I got no answer.

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Can you link the thread corresponding to adam here? Or is it the one I mentioned above?