Loading full data on device giving error

Hello, My data set is small and can be fit into 80G of a100 nodes at my school. I am trying to load the entire data set by doing everything in the constructor of the dataset class and then simply fetching them in the overriden getitem method. The idea behind this is to reduce the data movement cost by parallely putting everything in the GPU in one go at the very beginning.

class CTDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, root_dir_h, root_dir_l, length, transform=None):
        self.data_root_l = root_dir_l + "/"
        self.data_root_h = root_dir_h + "/"
        self.img_list_l = os.listdir(self.data_root_l)
        self.img_list_h = os.listdir(self.data_root_h)
        self.img_list_l = self.img_list_l[0:length]
        self.img_list_h = self.img_list_h[0:length]
        self.transform = transform
        self.tensor_list = []
        for i in range(len(self.img_list_l)):
            rmax = 0
            rmin = 1
            image_target = read_correct_image(self.data_root_h + self.img_list_h[i])
            image_input = read_correct_image(self.data_root_l + self.img_list_l[i])
            input_file = self.img_list_l[i]
            assert (image_input.shape[0] == 512 and image_input.shape[1] == 512)
            assert (image_target.shape[0] == 512 and image_target.shape[1] == 512)
            cmax1 = np.amax(image_target)
            cmin1 = np.amin(image_target)
            image_target = rmin + ((image_target - cmin1) / (cmax1 - cmin1) * (rmax - rmin))
            assert ((np.amin(image_target) >= 0) and (np.amax(image_target) <= 1))
            cmax2 = np.amax(image_input)
            cmin2 = np.amin(image_input)
            image_input = rmin + ((image_input - cmin2) / (cmax2 - cmin2) * (rmax - rmin))
            assert ((np.amin(image_input) >= 0) and (np.amax(image_input) <= 1))
            mins = ((cmin1 + cmin2) / 2)
            maxs = ((cmax1 + cmax2) / 2)
            image_target = image_target.reshape((1, 512, 512))
            image_input = image_input.reshape((1, 512, 512))
            inputs_np = image_input
            targets_np = image_target
            inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs_np)
            targets = torch.from_numpy(targets_np)
            inputs = inputs.type(torch.FloatTensor).to('cuda:0')
            targets = targets.type(torch.FloatTensor).to('cuda:0')
            sample = {
                  'HQ': targets,
                  'LQ': inputs,
                  'max': maxs,
                  'min': mins}
            print('device from tensor_list[1]', str(self.tensor_list[0]['HQ'].get_device()))
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.tensor_list)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # print("Dataloader idx: ", idx)
#         print('len tensor)list:', len(self.tensor_list))

        return self.tensor_list[idx]

However, this is not working and in between i am getting the below error:
[W CudaIPCTypes.cpp:15] Producer process has been terminated before all shared CUDA tensors released. See Note [Sharing CUDA tensors]
Looking forward for a solution or an alternative way of achieving what i mentioned above