Loading the pretrained network on different number of labels

I trained a network using transfer learning to classify 2 labels.
Then I tried to use the trained weights from the above case to retrain another problem to classify 3 labels.

Now, I am getting a shape mismatch error, obviously, because the endpoint classes are different.
Is it possible to load the weights in the way I am thinking,
How to resolve the error?

def load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, model):
    """To Load model."""
    checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location='cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # noqa
    return model

# To load the architecture of the model to be loaded
model_transfer1 = EfficientNet.from_pretrained('efficientnet-b2',weights_path='/home/rxs1576/latest_scripts/Project_QA/EfficientNetPytorch/efficientnet-b2-8bb594d6.pth') # noqa
n_inputs = model_transfer1._fc.in_features
model_transfer1._fc = nn.Linear(n_inputs, 3)

# Loading my retrained model
model_transfer = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path='My retrained model',model = model_transfer1)

# freezing the entire network
for name, parameter in model_transfer.named_parameters():
    parameter.requires_grad = False

# %%
# Defreezing the end points of the network so I can train them again.
update_params_name = ['_fc.weight', '_fc.bias', '_conv_head.weight']
for name, parameter in model_transfer.named_parameters():
    if name in update_params_name:
        parameter.requires_grad = True

If the goal is to finetune the network after changing the last layer, can you do the modification after loading the weights? For example, can you move the line

model_transfer1._fc = nn.Linear(n_inputs, 3)

to after

model_transfer = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path='My retrained model',model = model_transfer1)


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Thanks, I have to do the step twice, first to remove the 1000 labels(ImageNet dataset) to 2(My trained network) and then to 3 (my desired finetuning network).