Loading Tif Files with ImageLoader

When loading Tif files using ImageLoader, the values of the files change. This does not happen when using the exact same process on JPG files.

Numpy array before loading with ImageLoader:
[[231.8403 231.82645 231.8113 … 230.36873 230.36305 230.35547]
[231.85472 231.84184 231.82722 … 230.3746 230.36903 230.36107]
[231.86945 231.8577 231.84369 … 230.37767 230.37189 230.36334]

[235.34044 235.3341 235.3279 … 232.78148 232.77174 232.76143]
[235.3523 235.34482 235.33734 … 232.79488 232.78423 232.77327]
[235.36395 235.35553 235.34727 … 232.8095 232.79814 232.78664]]

Numpy array after using ImageLoader:
[[[231 231 231]
[231 231 231]
[231 231 231]

[230 230 230]
[230 230 230]
[230 230 230]]

[[231 231 231]
[231 231 231]
[231 231 231]

[230 230 230]
[230 230 230]
[230 230 230]]

[[231 231 231]
[231 231 231]
[231 231 231]

[230 230 230]
[230 230 230]
[230 230 230]]

[[235 235 235]
[235 235 235]
[235 235 235]

[232 232 232]
[232 232 232]
[232 232 232]]

[[235 235 235]
[235 235 235]
[235 235 235]

[232 232 232]
[232 232 232]
[232 232 232]]

[[235 235 235]
[235 235 235]
[235 235 235]

[232 232 232]
[232 232 232]
[232 232 232]]]

As can be seen here the float values are either being cut off or rounded to the nearest int, how can I fix this?