Moving model to CUDA in C++

Hi everyone, sorry for being late to the party. I think there are two broad questions that were asked in this thread:

  1. How can I move my script::Module to CUDA? We found that there indeed was no easy way to do this without iterating over parameters yourself, so I went a head and implemented script::Module::to(...) in We’ll try to land it today or tomorrow.

  2. Some of you noticed that the torch::nn::Module class from the C++ frontend has a to(...) method, and you were wondering whether you could mix torch::nn::Module and script::Module. At the moment, there is a strict division between the torch::nn::Module, which is for the C++ frontend (the pure C++ alternative to the Python eager frontend), and script::Module (the C++ module class for TorchScript). They may not be mixed at the moment. The torch::nn::Module class is currently friendlier to use because it’s meant to provide the same API as torch.nn.Module in Python, for research. We are working actively on blending the TorchScript C++ API with the C++ frontend API, so I would expect torch::nn::Module and script::Module to become largely the same in the next few months. Feel free to raise more issues for operations you’d like to do on script::Module that are currently hard to do, and we can send more patches.

Hope this helps and let me know if you have more questions.