Multiple assignment best practices

I have two tensors I want to update “at the same time”, and those updates depend on each other, inside a for loop. In “general Python”, I can update them on one line:

for i in range(10):
    x, y = x + y/2, y + x/2
    x = some_nn(x)
    y = some_nn(y)

Is this safe to do in PyTorch in the forward method? Specifically is it ok for autograd, and for eventual multiple GPU training?

Alternatively, I think, I could do this as

for i in range(10):
    x_old = x.clone()  # possibly with .detach(), too?
    y_old = y.clone()
    x = x + y_old/2
    y = y + x_old/2
    x = some_nn(x)
    y = some_nn(y)

(Of course, I could put some_function a line earlier in both cases, but I don’t think that’s important here.)

Is there a reason to choose one method over the other, or is there a better method I haven’t thought of?