Mxnet to pytorch via mmdnn

I am trying to convert an mxnet Pre-trained model:

I am trying to convert a pretrained model from mxnet to pytorch, but it always seems to fail. So, first I download, unzip the model files and run:

mmconvert -sf mxnet -in model-symbol.json -iw model-0000.params -df pytorch -om pytorch.pth --inputShape 3,112,112
and I get:

weight = self.weight_data.get( + "_weight").asnumpy().transpose((1, 0))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'asnumpy'

which is the issue described here:

so, I changed the line 408 in to:
weight = self.weight_data.get("fc1_weight").asnumpy().transpose((1, 0))

Now, I run again:

mmconvert -sf mxnet -in model-symbol.json -iw model-0000.params -df pytorch -om pytorch.pth --inputShape 3,112,112
and I get:

  File "", line 30, in __init__
    self.conv_2_dw_conv2d = self.__conv(2, name='conv_2_dw_conv2d', in_channels=64, out_channels=4096, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), groups=64, bias=False)
  File "", line 335, in __conv
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (4096) must match the size of tensor b (64) at non-singleton dimension 0

I am not sure what it is trying to tell me other than that there seems a size mismatch. I was wondering if anyone has encountered this and have a solution for this?

Also, I get a warning during the conversion:

 UserWarning: You created Module with Module(..., label_names=['softmax_label']) but input with name 'softmax_label' is not found in symbol.list_arguments(). Did you mean one of:

Is this error something I can safely ignore? Sorry, I am VERY new to MXNET.

I have no idea about MXNet, but the shape error seems to point to a mismatch between the input and output channels.
Could the transpose call have caused this issue?

@ptrblck: it turned out that there was bug in mxnet --> pytorch conversion via mdnn! problem solved. Thank you.