Need help pivoting this code such that it handles a dataset with 2d output

I have a movement model for which I can simulate data from. It has two parameters, and the output is latitude and longitude at N evenly spaced time points. My goal is to use a convolutional neural network to train the relationship between the parameters P and the simulated data. This answer addresses the case for which the data is handled as a grid, where each row is a latitude, the columns are longitudes, and the values are the number of occurrences at that lat/lon.

But now I no longer wish to ignore time. I wish to set it up such that I have one long vector, where one position to the next is a time increment, and there are two values at each position: lat and long. Is this where “channels” come in? In the previous case, number of channels was 1- I’m thinking this should be 2 now.

The below code is for the case where I only look at lat or longitude- 1d. How can I edit this to handle both lat and long?

As you’ll see, my input training dimensions are: [399,1,501,1] for # of samples (simulated datasets), channels, rows (position at time x), nothing.

Thank you in advance!

>>> datalist_train.shape
    torch.Size([599, 1, 501, 1])
>>> datalist_test.shape
    torch.Size([399, 1, 501, 1])
>>> params_train.shape
    torch.Size([599, 2])
>>> params_test.shape
    torch.Size([399, 2])
>>> datalist_train.dtype
>>> datalist_test.dtype
>>> params_train.dtype
>>> params_test.dtype
n_parameters = 2

# Define a simple CNN that takes in (B, 1, grid_size, grid_size) and outputs (B, 2 parameters)
def create_model(n_output_parameters, hidden_size=16):
    model = nn.Sequential(
        #Normalize the input batch

        #Learn hidden_size of 3x3 kernels that detect features
        nn.Conv1d(in_channels=1, out_channels=hidden_size, kernel_size=3, padding='same'),

        #Halve the spatial dimensions, keeping the max values per quadrant

        #Average the spatial dimensions to a single scalar, and drop the redundant dims

        #Map the input shape (B, hidden_size) to (B, n_output_parameters)
        nn.Linear(in_features=hidden_size, out_features=hidden_size),
        nn.Linear(in_features=hidden_size, out_features=n_output_parameters),
    return model

cnn_model = create_model(n_parameters)

#Report CNN size
  'CNN has',
  sum(p.numel() for p in cnn_model.parameters() if p.requires_grad),
  'trainable parameters'

# Prepare data for model
# 1. convert to tensors
# 2. add a channels dimension
# 3. wrap in DataLoader, to get batched samples

#CNN expects the input format (batch/samples, channels, height, width)
# We currently have (B, H, W), so add a singleton channels dimension to
#  get (B, C=1, H, W)
datalist_train, datalist_test=[tensor.unsqueeze(dim=1) for tensor in (datalist_train, datalist_test)]

#Train and val datasets, returning (Ai, Pi) pair for each index.
# i.e. it pairs together the Ai and Pi of each sample.
train_dataset = TensorDataset(datalist_train, params_train)
val_dataset = TensorDataset(datalist_test, params_test)

train_i,params_i=train_dataset[0]#returns the Ai and Pi for sample 0
print('Sample 0 (A0, P0) from train_dataset:', train_i.shape, ',', params_i.shape)

batch_size = 32
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)

# Train and evaluate cnn_model

#For reproducibility

cnn_model = create_model(n_parameters)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(cnn_model.parameters())
loss_function = nn.MSELoss()

# Training loop
n_epochs = 12

#Used for recording losses and metrics
from collections import defaultdict
metrics_dict = defaultdict(list)

for epoch in range(n_epochs):
    for minibatch in train_loader:
        A_minibatch, P_minibatch = minibatch

        P_predicted = cnn_model(A_minibatch)
        loss = loss_function(P_predicted, P_minibatch)

        #step optimizer
    #/end of epoch

    # Evaluate cnn_model per epoch
    with torch.no_grad():
        P_predicted_train = cnn_model(datalist_train)
        P_predicted_val = cnn_model(datalist_test)
    train_loss = loss_function(P_predicted_train, params_train).item()
    val_loss = loss_function(P_predicted_val, params_test).item()
    val_mae = nn.L1Loss()(P_predicted_val, params_test).item()

    metrics_dict['epoch'].append(epoch + 1)

    # Report results
        f'[epoch {epoch + 1:2d}/{n_epochs}]',
        f'[train loss: {train_loss:5.3f} | val loss: {val_loss:5.3f}]',
        f'[val MAE: {val_mae:5.3f}]'