Network output changes even when freezed during training

Hi, I am using following code to freeze a certain part of my model:

    def dfs_freeze(model):
        for name, child in model.named_children():
            for param in child.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False


    optim_params = [
        {'params': filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), 'lr':}
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(optim_params,
                                 betas=(args.momentum, args.beta),

Som other parts, which depend on the output of model.depthnet are trained afterwards.
During validation, I plotted the RMSE of the output of model.depthnet w.r.t. ground-truth and surprisingly it is changing from epoch to epoch. The validation data is exactly the same for each epoch.

How can this be possible?

Did you call model.eval() before performing the evaluation? This would make sure to e.g. use the calculated estimates in nn.BatchNorm layers instead of the batch statistics and disable nn.Dropout.

Have you trained the freezer parts before? Even if you freeze them by setting requires_grad=False they might still change if you use weight decay or if the optimizer uses some momentum or running stats.

Did you call model.eval() before performing the evaluation?


Have you trained the freezer parts before?

Also yes!

But why would the optimizer change these parameters when I didn’t add them in the first place? I only added parameters with requires_grad == True to the optimizer.

Oh, sorry I missed that point.
Could you post a (small) executable code snippet so that we could have a deeper look at this issue?

I did a retest where even calling .detach() on the output of model.depthnet results in different RMSE between epochs.

Here are some code snippets. Sorry for the length, I tried to keep it as short as possible!

Edit: I will try to come up with a small executable example but due to used datasets etc. I don’t think small will be easy.

    # Data loading code
    valid_transform = custom_transforms.Compose([
        custom_transforms.Crop(140, 10, 240, 1200),
        custom_transforms.Scale(1.05 * output_size[0] / raw_size[0]),

    val_set = MyDataloader(Path( / "val", valid_transform, sequence_length=args.sequence_length)

    val_loader =
        val_set, batch_size=1, shuffle=False,
        num_workers=args.workers, pin_memory=True)
    # Model Loading
    depth_net = torch.load("/kitti_resnet34_lvo_split.pth.tar")["model"]
    dict_flow_net = torch.load("/PWCNet.pth.tar")
    pwcnet = PWCDCNet()
    model = LVONet(depth_net, pwcnet, output_size=output_size)
    del dict_flow_net

    model = model.cuda()
    # Freezing Submodels and building Optimizer
    def dfs_freeze(model):
        for name, child in model.named_children():
            for param in child.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False


    cudnn.benchmark = True

    print('=> setting adam solver')

    optim_params = [
        {'params': filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), 'lr':}
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(optim_params,
                                 betas=(args.momentum, args.beta),

    for i, (reset, imgs, depth_imgs, intrinsics, intrinsics_inv, scale, pose) in enumerate(train_loader):
        img_list = [ for img in imgs]
        target_depth = depth_imgs[-1].to(device).float()
        imgs =[img.unsqueeze(2) for img in img_list], dim=2)
        scale = scale.view(scale.shape[0], 1, 1, 1).float().cuda()

        intrinsics =
        intrinsics_inv =

        # compute output
        depth2, flow12, exp_masks2, pose21 = model(imgs)

        result = Result()

        photo_loss, exp_loss = photometric_reconstruction_loss(imgs[:, :, -1], imgs[:, :, -2],
                                                               intrinsics, intrinsics_inv,
                                                               scale * depth2, exp_masks2, pose21,

        photo_loss *= args.photo_loss_weight
        exp_loss *= args.mask_loss_weight

        loss = photo_loss + exp_loss

        # compute gradient and do Adam step

    with torch.no_grad():
        for i, (reset, imgs, depth_images, intrinsics, intrinsics_inv, scale, pose) in enumerate(val_loader):
            img_list = [ for img in imgs]
            target_depth = depth_images[-1].to(device).float()
            imgs =[img.unsqueeze(2) for img in img_list], dim=2)
            scale = scale.view(scale.shape[0], 1, 1, 1).float().cuda()
            intrinsics =
            intrinsics_inv =

            # compute output
            depth2, flow12, exp_mask2, pose21 = model(imgs)

            result = Result()
            average.update(result, gpu_time, data_time, depth2.size(0))


I did another test where I kept the number of training iterations small than previously. This time the RMSE during validation (i.e. 4.54 m) is closer to the expected value from pre-training (4.48 m) but still changes from epoch to epoch.

In a second test I did not call loss.backward() during training and the validation RMSE still changes from epoch to epoch.

Three possibilities

  1. The validation dataloader is somehow messing up the data.
  2. forward() itself alters the parameters.
  3. The optimizer is somehow altering my depthnet parameters even when they are not added to the optimizer and .detach() is called.

I think 3. is just not possible but I am completely clueless right now…

Will further investigate


This time I completely removed the optimizer from the equation and the RMSE still changes.

Therefore I think the optimizer is doing fine.


For anyone wondering: It was indeed a problem with the batchnorm layers.

The pretrained model was trained on a slightly larger training set with, therefore, different statistics.

During training, the BatchNorm layers adapt to the statistics of the now smaller training set. Therefore the error on the validation set is different than before.
The error will furthermore change from epoch to epoch because the trainloader is augmenting its data randomly.

Conclusion: When freezing a part of your model that is using BatchNorm layers, make sure to put them into eval() mode during training.

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