Not being able to use mutiple gpus even when i use nn.Dataparallel command

I am using this code for object detection (source).
The code is written to be run on one gpu, but it has the option of multiple gpus via nn.Dataparallel as well.
Unfortunately even when i uncomment the nn.Dataparallel it still use one GPU.
Can anyone give me any suggestion on what can be wrong

I uncomment the DataParallel command in the following codes:

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np

import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn

from lib.layers import *
from lib.utils.timer import Timer
from lib.utils.data_augment import preproc
from lib.modeling.model_builder import create_model
from lib.utils.config_parse import cfg

class ObjectDetector:
    def __init__(self, viz_arch=False):
        self.cfg = cfg

        # Build model
        print('===> Building model')
        self.model, self.priorbox = create_model(cfg.MODEL)
        self.priors = Variable(self.priorbox.forward(), volatile=True)

        # Print the model architecture and parameters
        if viz_arch is True:
            print('Model architectures:\n{}\n'.format(self.model))

        # Utilize GPUs for computation
        self.use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available()
        self.half = False
        if self.use_gpu:
            print('Utilize GPUs for computation')
            print('Number of GPU available', torch.cuda.device_count())
            cudnn.benchmark = True
            self.model = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.model).module
            # Utilize half precision
            self.half = cfg.MODEL.HALF_PRECISION
            if self.half:
                self.model = self.model.half()
                self.priors = self.priors.half()

        # Build preprocessor and detector
        self.preprocessor = preproc(cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE, cfg.DATASET.PIXEL_MEANS, -2)
        self.detector = Detect(cfg.POST_PROCESS, self.priors)

        # Load weight:
        if cfg.RESUME_CHECKPOINT == '':
            AssertionError('RESUME_CHECKPOINT can not be empty')
        print('=> loading checkpoint {:s}'.format(cfg.RESUME_CHECKPOINT))
        checkpoint = torch.load(cfg.RESUME_CHECKPOINT)
        # checkpoint = torch.load(cfg.RESUME_CHECKPOINT, map_location='gpu' if self.use_gpu else 'cpu')

        # test only

    def predict(self, img, threshold=0.6, check_time=False):
        # make sure the input channel is 3
        assert img.shape[2] == 3
        scale = torch.Tensor([img.shape[1::-1], img.shape[1::-1]])

        _t = {'preprocess': Timer(), 'net_forward': Timer(), 'detect': Timer(), 'output': Timer()}

        # preprocess image
        x = Variable(self.preprocessor(img)[0].unsqueeze(0))
        if self.use_gpu:
            x = x.cuda()
        if self.half:
            x = x.half()
        preprocess_time = _t['preprocess'].toc()

        # forward
        out = self.model(x)  # forward pass
        net_forward_time = _t['net_forward'].toc()

        # detect
        detections = self.detector.forward(out)
        detect_time = _t['detect'].toc()

        # output
        labels, scores, coords = [list() for _ in range(3)]
        # for batch in range(detections.size(0)):
        #     print('Batch:', batch)
        for classes in range(detections.size(1)):
            num = 0
            while detections[batch,classes,num,0] >= threshold:
        output_time = _t['output'].toc()
        total_time = preprocess_time + net_forward_time + detect_time + output_time

        if check_time is True:
            return labels, scores, coords, (total_time, preprocess_time, net_forward_time, detect_time, output_time)
            # total_time = preprocess_time + net_forward_time + detect_time + output_time
            # print('total time: {} \n preprocess: {} \n net_forward: {} \n detect: {} \n output: {}'.format(
            #     total_time, preprocess_time, net_forward_time, detect_time, output_time
            # ))
        return labels, scores, coords

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import cv2
import random
import pickle

import torch
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.optim import lr_scheduler
import as data
import torch.nn.init as init

from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter

from lib.layers import *
from lib.utils.timer import Timer
from lib.utils.data_augment import preproc
from lib.modeling.model_builder import create_model
from lib.dataset.dataset_factory import load_data
from lib.utils.config_parse import cfg
from lib.utils.eval_utils import *
from lib.utils.visualize_utils import *

class Solver(object):
    A wrapper class for the training process
    def __init__(self):
        self.cfg = cfg

        # Load data
        print('===> Loading data')
        self.train_loader = load_data(cfg.DATASET, 'train') if 'train' in cfg.PHASE else None
        self.eval_loader = load_data(cfg.DATASET, 'eval') if 'eval' in cfg.PHASE else None
        self.test_loader = load_data(cfg.DATASET, 'test') if 'test' in cfg.PHASE else None
        self.visualize_loader = load_data(cfg.DATASET, 'visualize') if 'visualize' in cfg.PHASE else None

        # Build model
        print('===> Building model')
        self.model, self.priorbox = create_model(cfg.MODEL)
        self.priors = Variable(self.priorbox.forward())
        self.detector = Detect(cfg.POST_PROCESS, self.priors)

        # Utilize GPUs for computation
        self.use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available()
        if self.use_gpu:
            print('Utilize GPUs for computation')
            print('Number of GPU available', torch.cuda.device_count())
            cudnn.benchmark = True
            if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
                self.model = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.model,device_ids=[0, 1]).module

        # Print the model architecture and parameters
        print('Model architectures:\n{}\n'.format(self.model))

        # print('Parameters and size:')
        # for name, param in self.model.named_parameters():
        #     print('{}: {}'.format(name, list(param.size())))

        # print trainable scope
        print('Trainable scope: {}'.format(cfg.TRAIN.TRAINABLE_SCOPE))
        trainable_param = self.trainable_param(cfg.TRAIN.TRAINABLE_SCOPE)
        self.optimizer = self.configure_optimizer(trainable_param, cfg.TRAIN.OPTIMIZER)
        self.exp_lr_scheduler = self.configure_lr_scheduler(self.optimizer, cfg.TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER)
        self.max_epochs = cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCHS

        # metric
        self.criterion = MultiBoxLoss(cfg.MATCHER, self.priors, self.use_gpu)

        # Set the logger
        self.writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=cfg.LOG_DIR)
        self.output_dir = cfg.EXP_DIR
        self.checkpoint = cfg.RESUME_CHECKPOINT
        self.checkpoint_prefix = cfg.CHECKPOINTS_PREFIX

    def save_checkpoints(self, epochs, iters=None):
        if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir):
        if iters:
            filename = self.checkpoint_prefix + '_epoch_{:d}_iter_{:d}'.format(epochs, iters) + '.pth'
            filename = self.checkpoint_prefix + '_epoch_{:d}'.format(epochs) + '.pth'
        filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename), filename)
        with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'checkpoint_list.txt'), 'a') as f:
            f.write('epoch {epoch:d}: {filename}\n'.format(epoch=epochs, filename=filename))
        print('Wrote snapshot to: {:s}'.format(filename))

        # TODO: write relative cfg under the same page

    def resume_checkpoint(self, resume_checkpoint):
        if resume_checkpoint == '' or not os.path.isfile(resume_checkpoint):
            print(("=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(resume_checkpoint)))
            return False
        print(("=> loading checkpoint '{:s}'".format(resume_checkpoint)))
        checkpoint = torch.load(resume_checkpoint)

        # print("=> Weigths in the checkpoints:")
        # print([k for k, v in list(checkpoint.items())])

        # remove the module in the parrallel model
        if 'module.' in list(checkpoint.items())[0][0]:
            pretrained_dict = {'.'.join(k.split('.')[1:]): v for k, v in list(checkpoint.items())}
            checkpoint = pretrained_dict

        resume_scope = self.cfg.TRAIN.RESUME_SCOPE
        # extract the weights based on the resume scope
        if resume_scope != '':
            pretrained_dict = {}
            for k, v in list(checkpoint.items()):
                for resume_key in resume_scope.split(','):
                    if resume_key in k:
                        pretrained_dict[k] = v
            checkpoint = pretrained_dict

        pretrained_dict = {k: v for k, v in checkpoint.items() if k in self.model.state_dict()}
        # print("=> Resume weigths:")
        # print([k for k, v in list(pretrained_dict.items())])

        checkpoint = self.model.state_dict()

        unresume_dict = set(checkpoint)-set(pretrained_dict)
        if len(unresume_dict) != 0:
            print("=> UNResume weigths:")


        return self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint)

    def find_previous(self):
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'checkpoint_list.txt')):
            return False
        with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'checkpoint_list.txt'), 'r') as f:
            lineList = f.readlines()
        epoches, resume_checkpoints = [list() for _ in range(2)]
        for line in lineList:
            epoch = int(line[line.find('epoch ') + len('epoch '): line.find(':')])
            checkpoint = line[line.find(':') + 2:-1]
        return epoches, resume_checkpoints

    def weights_init(self, m):
        for key in m.state_dict():
            if key.split('.')[-1] == 'weight':
                if 'conv' in key:
                    init.kaiming_normal(m.state_dict()[key], mode='fan_out')
                if 'bn' in key:
                    m.state_dict()[key][...] = 1
            elif key.split('.')[-1] == 'bias':
                m.state_dict()[key][...] = 0

    def initialize(self):
        if self.checkpoint:
            print('Loading initial model weights from {:s}'.format(self.checkpoint))

        start_epoch = 0
        return start_epoch

    def trainable_param(self, trainable_scope):
        for param in self.model.parameters():
            param.requires_grad = False

        trainable_param = []
        for module in trainable_scope.split(','):
            if hasattr(self.model, module):
                # print(getattr(self.model, module))
                for param in getattr(self.model, module).parameters():
                    param.requires_grad = True
                trainable_param.extend(getattr(self.model, module).parameters())

        return trainable_param

    def train_model(self):
        previous = self.find_previous()
        if previous:
            start_epoch = previous[0][-1]
            start_epoch = self.initialize()

        # export graph for the model, onnx always not works
        # self.export_graph()

        # warm_up epoch
        warm_up = self.cfg.TRAIN.LR_SCHEDULER.WARM_UP_EPOCHS
        for epoch in iter(range(start_epoch+1, self.max_epochs+1)):
            #learning rate
            sys.stdout.write('\rEpoch {epoch:d}/{max_epochs:d}:\n'.format(epoch=epoch, max_epochs=self.max_epochs))
            if epoch > warm_up:
            if 'train' in cfg.PHASE:
                self.train_epoch(self.model, self.train_loader, self.optimizer, self.criterion, self.writer, epoch, self.use_gpu)
            if 'eval' in cfg.PHASE:
                self.eval_epoch(self.model, self.eval_loader, self.detector, self.criterion, self.writer, epoch, self.use_gpu)
            if 'test' in cfg.PHASE:
                self.test_epoch(self.model, self.test_loader, self.detector, self.output_dir, self.use_gpu)
            if 'visualize' in cfg.PHASE:
                self.visualize_epoch(self.model, self.visualize_loader, self.priorbox, self.writer, epoch,  self.use_gpu)

            if epoch % cfg.TRAIN.CHECKPOINTS_EPOCHS == 0:

    def test_model(self):
        previous = self.find_previous()
        if previous:
            for epoch, resume_checkpoint in zip(previous[0], previous[1]):
                if self.cfg.TEST.TEST_SCOPE[0] <= epoch <= self.cfg.TEST.TEST_SCOPE[1]:
                    sys.stdout.write('\rEpoch {epoch:d}/{max_epochs:d}:\n'.format(epoch=epoch, max_epochs=self.cfg.TEST.TEST_SCOPE[1]))
                    if 'eval' in cfg.PHASE:
                        self.eval_epoch(self.model, self.eval_loader, self.detector, self.criterion, self.writer, epoch, self.use_gpu)
                    if 'test' in cfg.PHASE:
                        self.test_epoch(self.model, self.test_loader, self.detector, self.output_dir , self.use_gpu)
                    if 'visualize' in cfg.PHASE:
                        self.visualize_epoch(self.model, self.visualize_loader, self.priorbox, self.writer, epoch,  self.use_gpu)
            sys.stdout.write('\rCheckpoint {}:\n'.format(self.checkpoint))
            if 'eval' in cfg.PHASE:
                self.eval_epoch(self.model, self.eval_loader, self.detector, self.criterion, self.writer, 0, self.use_gpu)
            if 'test' in cfg.PHASE:
                self.test_epoch(self.model, self.test_loader, self.detector, self.output_dir , self.use_gpu)
            if 'visualize' in cfg.PHASE:
                self.visualize_epoch(self.model, self.visualize_loader, self.priorbox, self.writer, 0,  self.use_gpu)

    def train_epoch(self, model, data_loader, optimizer, criterion, writer, epoch, use_gpu):

        epoch_size = len(data_loader)
        batch_iterator = iter(data_loader)

        loc_loss = 0
        conf_loss = 0
        _t = Timer()

        for iteration in iter(range((epoch_size))):
            images, targets = next(batch_iterator)
            if use_gpu:
                images = Variable(images.cuda())
                targets = [Variable(anno.cuda()) for anno in targets]
                images = Variable(images)
                targets = [Variable(anno) for anno in targets]
            # forward
            out = model(images, phase='train')

            # backprop
            loss_l, loss_c = criterion(out, targets)

            # some bugs in coco train2017. maybe the annonation bug.
            if[0] == float("Inf"):

            loss = loss_l + loss_c

            time = _t.toc()
            loc_loss +=[0]
            conf_loss +=[0]

            # log per iter
            log = '\r==>Train: || {iters:d}/{epoch_size:d} in {time:.3f}s [{prograss}] || loc_loss: {loc_loss:.4f} cls_loss: {cls_loss:.4f}\r'.format(
                    prograss='#'*int(round(10*iteration/epoch_size)) + '-'*int(round(10*(1-iteration/epoch_size))), iters=iteration, epoch_size=epoch_size,


        # log per epoch
        lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']
        log = '\r==>Train: || Total_time: {time:.3f}s || loc_loss: {loc_loss:.4f} conf_loss: {conf_loss:.4f} || lr: {lr:.6f}\n'.format(lr=lr,
                time=_t.total_time, loc_loss=loc_loss/epoch_size, conf_loss=conf_loss/epoch_size)

        # log for tensorboard
        writer.add_scalar('Train/loc_loss', loc_loss/epoch_size, epoch)
        writer.add_scalar('Train/conf_loss', conf_loss/epoch_size, epoch)
        writer.add_scalar('Train/lr', lr, epoch)

    def eval_epoch(self, model, data_loader, detector, criterion, writer, epoch, use_gpu):

        epoch_size = len(data_loader)
        batch_iterator = iter(data_loader)

        loc_loss = 0
        conf_loss = 0
        _t = Timer()

        label = [list() for _ in range(model.num_classes)]
        gt_label = [list() for _ in range(model.num_classes)]
        score = [list() for _ in range(model.num_classes)]
        size = [list() for _ in range(model.num_classes)]
        npos = [0] * model.num_classes

        for iteration in iter(range((epoch_size))):
        # for iteration in iter(range((10))):
            images, targets = next(batch_iterator)
            if use_gpu:
                images = Variable(images.cuda())
                targets = [Variable(anno.cuda()) for anno in targets]
                images = Variable(images)
                targets = [Variable(anno) for anno in targets]

            # forward
            out = model(images, phase='train')

            # loss
            loss_l, loss_c = criterion(out, targets)

            out = (out[0], model.softmax(out[1].view(-1, model.num_classes)))

            # detect
            detections = detector.forward(out)

            time = _t.toc()

            # evals
            label, score, npos, gt_label = cal_tp_fp(detections, targets, label, score, npos, gt_label)
            size = cal_size(detections, targets, size)
            loc_loss +=[0]
            conf_loss +=[0]

            # log per iter
            log = '\r==>Eval: || {iters:d}/{epoch_size:d} in {time:.3f}s [{prograss}] || loc_loss: {loc_loss:.4f} cls_loss: {cls_loss:.4f}\r'.format(
                    prograss='#'*int(round(10*iteration/epoch_size)) + '-'*int(round(10*(1-iteration/epoch_size))), iters=iteration, epoch_size=epoch_size,


        # eval mAP
        prec, rec, ap = cal_pr(label, score, npos)

        # log per epoch
        log = '\r==>Eval: || Total_time: {time:.3f}s || loc_loss: {loc_loss:.4f} conf_loss: {conf_loss:.4f} || mAP: {mAP:.6f}\n'.format(mAP=ap,
                time=_t.total_time, loc_loss=loc_loss/epoch_size, conf_loss=conf_loss/epoch_size)

        # log for tensorboard
        writer.add_scalar('Eval/loc_loss', loc_loss/epoch_size, epoch)
        writer.add_scalar('Eval/conf_loss', conf_loss/epoch_size, epoch)
        writer.add_scalar('Eval/mAP', ap, epoch)
        viz_pr_curve(writer, prec, rec, epoch)
        viz_archor_strategy(writer, size, gt_label, epoch)

    def test_epoch(self, model, data_loader, detector, output_dir, use_gpu):

        dataset = data_loader.dataset
        num_images = len(dataset)
        num_classes = detector.num_classes
        all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)] for _ in range(num_classes)]
        empty_array = np.transpose(np.array([[],[],[],[],[]]),(1,0))

        _t = Timer()

        for i in iter(range((num_images))):
            img = dataset.pull_image(i)
            scale = [img.shape[1], img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[0]]
            if use_gpu:
                images = Variable(dataset.preproc(img)[0].unsqueeze(0).cuda())
                images = Variable(dataset.preproc(img)[0].unsqueeze(0))

            # forward
            out = model(images, phase='eval')

            # detect
            detections = detector.forward(out)

            time = _t.toc()

            # TODO: make it smart:
            for j in range(1, num_classes):
                cls_dets = list()
                for det in detections[0][j]:
                    if det[0] > 0:
                        d = det.cpu().numpy()
                        score, box = d[0], d[1:]
                        box *= scale
                        box = np.append(box, score)
                if len(cls_dets) == 0:
                    cls_dets = empty_array
                all_boxes[j][i] = np.array(cls_dets)

            # log per iter
            log = '\r==>Test: || {iters:d}/{epoch_size:d} in {time:.3f}s [{prograss}]\r'.format(
                    prograss='#'*int(round(10*i/num_images)) + '-'*int(round(10*(1-i/num_images))), iters=i, epoch_size=num_images,

        # write result to pkl
        with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

        # currently the COCO dataset do not return the mean ap or ap 0.5:0.95 values
        print('Evaluating detections')
        data_loader.dataset.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)

    def visualize_epoch(self, model, data_loader, priorbox, writer, epoch, use_gpu):

        img_index = random.randint(0, len(data_loader.dataset)-1)

        # get img
        image = data_loader.dataset.pull_image(img_index)
        anno = data_loader.dataset.pull_anno(img_index)

        # visualize archor box
        viz_prior_box(writer, priorbox, image, epoch)

        # get preproc
        preproc = data_loader.dataset.preproc
        preproc.add_writer(writer, epoch)
        # preproc.p = 0.6

        # preproc image & visualize preprocess prograss
        images = Variable(preproc(image, anno)[0].unsqueeze(0))
        if use_gpu:
            images = images.cuda()

        # visualize feature map in base and extras
        base_out = viz_module_feature_maps(writer, model.base, images, module_name='base', epoch=epoch)
        extras_out = viz_module_feature_maps(writer, model.extras, base_out, module_name='extras', epoch=epoch)
        # visualize feature map in feature_extractors
        viz_feature_maps(writer, model(images, 'feature'), module_name='feature_extractors', epoch=epoch)

        images.requires_grad = True
        base_out = viz_module_grads(writer, model, model.base, images, images, preproc.means, module_name='base', epoch=epoch)

        # TODO: add more...

    def configure_optimizer(self, trainable_param, cfg):
        if cfg.OPTIMIZER == 'sgd':
            optimizer = optim.SGD(trainable_param, lr=cfg.LEARNING_RATE,
                        momentum=cfg.MOMENTUM, weight_decay=cfg.WEIGHT_DECAY)
        elif cfg.OPTIMIZER == 'rmsprop':
            optimizer = optim.RMSprop(trainable_param, lr=cfg.LEARNING_RATE,
                        momentum=cfg.MOMENTUM, alpha=cfg.MOMENTUM_2, eps=cfg.EPS, weight_decay=cfg.WEIGHT_DECAY)
        elif cfg.OPTIMIZER == 'adam':
            optimizer = optim.Adam(trainable_param, lr=cfg.LEARNING_RATE,
                        betas=(cfg.MOMENTUM, cfg.MOMENTUM_2), eps=cfg.EPS, weight_decay=cfg.WEIGHT_DECAY)
            AssertionError('optimizer can not be recognized.')
        return optimizer

    def configure_lr_scheduler(self, optimizer, cfg):
        if cfg.SCHEDULER == 'step':
            scheduler = lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=cfg.STEPS[0], gamma=cfg.GAMMA)
        elif cfg.SCHEDULER == 'multi_step':
            scheduler = lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=cfg.STEPS, gamma=cfg.GAMMA)
        elif cfg.SCHEDULER == 'exponential':
            scheduler = lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(optimizer, gamma=cfg.GAMMA)
        elif cfg.SCHEDULER == 'SGDR':
            scheduler = lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=cfg.MAX_EPOCHS)
            AssertionError('scheduler can not be recognized.')
        return scheduler

    def export_graph(self):
        dummy_input = Variable(torch.randn(1, 3, cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE[0], cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE[1])).cuda()
        # Export the model
        torch_out = torch.onnx._export(self.model,             # model being run
                                       dummy_input,            # model input (or a tuple for multiple inputs)
                                       "graph.onnx",           # where to save the model (can be a file or file-like object)
                                       export_params=True)     # store the trained parameter weights inside the model file
        # if not os.path.exists(cfg.EXP_DIR):
        #     os.makedirs(cfg.EXP_DIR)
        # self.writer.add_graph(self.model, (dummy_input, ))

def train_model():
    s = Solver()
    return True

def test_model():
    s = Solver()
    return True

Can you execute one of the following codes?


Or in python

import os

To check whether there are multiple GPUs available and visible on your machine?

When i do nvidia-smi it shows my gpus, but when i do echo $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, it shows nothing!
also the second command shows this error:

>>> print(os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]) 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/alireza/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/", line 669, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError(key) from None

when i do echo $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1, it shows =0,1

What should i do?

You could either run your script with

import os 
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0,1" # or other GPU ids if you want to 

#your other imports and code

Or setting it in the terminal before executing your script by


If you want to keep it permanent you can add the last variant to your .profile or your .bashrc