One of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation for this specific piece of code

Hi, I am new to AI and decided to use Pytorch. I want to this model to generate some images, however as this was written before Pytorch 1.5, since the gradient calculation has been fixed then, this is the error message.

RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [1, 512, 4, 4]] is at version 2; expected version 1 instead. Hint: enable anomaly detection to find the operation that failed to compute its gradient, with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True).<<<

I have looked at past examples and am not sure what is the problem, I believe it is happening within this region but I don’t know where! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

def process(self, images, edges, masks):
self.iteration += 1

    # zero optimizers

    # process outputs
    outputs = self(images, edges, masks)
    gen_loss = 0
    dis_loss = 0

    # discriminator loss
    dis_input_real =, edges), dim=1)
    dis_input_fake =, outputs.detach()), dim=1)
    dis_real, dis_real_feat = self.discriminator(dis_input_real)        # in: (grayscale(1) + edge(1))
    dis_fake, dis_fake_feat = self.discriminator(dis_input_fake)        # in: (grayscale(1) + edge(1))
    dis_real_loss = self.adversarial_loss(dis_real, True, True)
    dis_fake_loss = self.adversarial_loss(dis_fake, False, True)
    dis_loss += (dis_real_loss + dis_fake_loss) / 2

    # generator adversarial loss
    gen_input_fake =, outputs), dim=1)
    gen_fake, gen_fake_feat = self.discriminator(gen_input_fake)        # in: (grayscale(1) + edge(1))
    gen_gan_loss = self.adversarial_loss(gen_fake, True, False)
    gen_loss += gen_gan_loss

    # generator feature matching loss
    gen_fm_loss = 0
    for i in range(len(dis_real_feat)):
        gen_fm_loss += self.l1_loss(gen_fake_feat[i], dis_real_feat[i].detach())
    gen_fm_loss = gen_fm_loss * self.config.FM_LOSS_WEIGHT
    gen_loss += gen_fm_loss

    # create logs
    logs = [
        ("l_d1", dis_loss.item()),
        ("l_g1", gen_gan_loss.item()),
        ("l_fm", gen_fm_loss.item()),

    return outputs, gen_loss, dis_loss, logs

def forward(self, images, edges, masks):
    edges_masked = (edges * (1 - masks))
    images_masked = (images * (1 - masks)) + masks
    inputs =, edges_masked, masks), dim=1)
    outputs = self.generator(inputs)                                    # in: [grayscale(1) + edge(1) + mask(1)]
    return outputs

def backward(self, gen_loss=None, dis_loss=None):
    if dis_loss is not None:

    if gen_loss is not None:

Can you train the generator first and then the discriminator? The discriminator seems to detach the output from graph for loss calculations.

Thank you for the solution!

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