OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory

I have the following module in my Deep Neural network model to compute the log likelihood of Gaussian Mixture model.

    def loglikelihood_gmm(self, x, mu, logvar, pi):
        # init
        loglike = 0
        # for all data channels
        for n in range(x.shape[1]):
            # likelihood of a single mixture at evaluation point
            assert not torch.isnan(mu[:, n, :]).any()
            assert not torch.isnan(logvar[:, n, :]).any()
            pred_dist = tdist.Normal(mu[:, n, :], logvar[:, n, :].exp().sqrt())
            x_mod = torch.mm(x[:, n].unsqueeze(1), torch.ones(1, self.n_mixtures, device=self.device))
            like = pred_dist.log_prob(x_mod)
            # weighting by probability of mixture and summing
            temp = (pi[:, n, :] * like)
            temp = temp.sum()
            # log-likelihood added to previous log-likelihoods
            loglike = loglike + temp
        return loglike

However, I got out of memory error using this function

    /tmp/ipykernel_86712/2637053337.py in loglikelihood_gmm(self, x, mu, logvar, pi)
        738             x_mod = torch.mm(x[:, n].unsqueeze(1), torch.ones(1, self.n_mixtures, device=self.device))
    --> 740             like = pred_dist.log_prob(x_mod)
        741             # weighting by probability of mixture and summing
        742             temp = (pi[:, n, :] * like)
    ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/normal.py in log_prob(self, value)
         81         var = (self.scale ** 2)
         82         log_scale = math.log(self.scale) if isinstance(self.scale, Real) else self.scale.log()
    ---> 83         return -((value - self.loc) ** 2) / (2 * var) - log_scale - math.log(math.sqrt(2 * math.pi))
         85     def cdf(self, value):

    OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 2.00 MiB (GPU 0; 11.76 GiB total capacity; 10.57 GiB already allocated; 1.94 MiB free; 10.77 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation.  See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF

Is there any other efficient way to write this function to avoid getting this error?


I thought maybe using the MixtureSameFamily distribution from pytorch can solve the cuda memory error for computing the log-likelihood of Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Here is my attempt:

    def loglikelihood_gmm(self, x, mu, logvar, pi):
        # for all data channels
        # likelihood of a single mixture at evaluation point
        assert not torch.isnan(mu).any()
        assert not torch.isnan(logvar).any()
        means = mu.permute(0,2,1) #batch_shape, num_components, dim
        sigma = logvar.mul(0.5).exp_()
        scale = sigma.permute(0,2,1) #torch.Size([B, n_comp, dim])
        #(batch_size, n_components, dim, dim)
        A = torch.diag_embed(scale, dim1=-1, dim2=-2)
        covar = A.transpose(2,3).matmul(A) #torch.Size([batch_size, n_components, dim, dim])
        weights = pi.permute(0,2,1) #(Batch_size, n_comp, dim)
        print(scale.shape,scale.tril(-1).shape, A.shape, weights.shape, means.shape)
        # [*batch_dims, comp, dim] --> [*batch_dims, 1, comp, dim] to evaluate batched inputs
        mix = tdist.Categorical(weights.unsqueeze(-2)) 
        comp = tdist.MultivariateNormal(means, covar)
        #x: Batch, dim ===> Batch,n_comp, dim
        gmm = tdist.MixtureSameFamily(mix, comp)
        x_mod = x.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,self.n_mixtures,1)
        x = gmm._pad(x_mod)  # noqa [*batch,n_comp,1, dim]  
        return -gmm.log_prob(x).mean()

Now I get this error which I can’t figure out how to solve it:

torch.Size([1, 15, 12]) torch.Size([1, 15, 12]) torch.Size([1, 15, 12, 12]) torch.Size([1, 15, 12]) torch.Size([1, 15, 12])

/tmp/ipykernel_93455/3995549603.py in forward(self, u, y)

--> 637                 loss_pred = self.loglikelihood_gmm(y[:, :, t], dec_mean_t, dec_logvar_t, dec_pi_t)
    638                 loss += - loss_pred + KLD 

/tmp/ipykernel_93455/3995549603.py in loglikelihood_gmm(self, x, mu, logvar, pi)
    750         comp = tdist.MultivariateNormal(means, covar)
    751         #x: Batch, dim ===> Batch,n_comp, dim
--> 752         gmm = tdist.MixtureSameFamily(mix, comp)
    753         x_mod = x.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,self.n_mixtures,1)
    754         x = gmm._pad(x_mod)  # noqa [*batch,n_comp,1, dim]

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/distributions/mixture_same_family.py in __init__(self, mixture_distribution, component_distribution, validate_args)
     80         kc = self._component_distribution.batch_shape[-1]
     81         if km is not None and kc is not None and km != kc:
---> 82             raise ValueError("`mixture_distribution component` ({0}) does not"
     83                              " equal `component_distribution.batch_shape[-1]`"
     84                              " ({1})".format(km, kc))

ValueError: `mixture_distribution component` (12) does not equal `component_distribution.batch_shape[-1]` (15)

Any suggestion for solving either way to compute the log-likelihood of GMM?

I suspect the reason for the out of memory error during training of my model is that in my model I have recurrent neural network. I am training my model on very long sequences (~100-300 time steps). I am wondeing whether deleting old hidden states of LSTM might solve the problem? Another question is how I can get access to the earlier steps given having a specific criteria for keeping latest steps?