Pad_packed_sequence export to onnx

I am trying to export my pytorch model to onnx. But I keep getting the error

RuntimeError: ONNX export failed: Cannot export individual pack_padded_sequence or pad_packed_sequence; these operations must occur in pairs.

The error comes from the pad_packed_sequence where I instantiate PackedSequence, but I am not sure entirely sure what I am doing wrong. Thank you for any help. my code is posted below with corresponsing dimensions.

class WordAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, word_rnn_size, word_rnn_layers, word_att_size, dropout):
        super(WordAttention, self).__init__()
        emb_dim = 100
        vocab_len = 1000000
        print("vocab size: " + str(vocab_len))
        self.MAXLEN = 100
        embedding = nn.Embedding(self.MAXLEN, emb_dim)
        emb_matrix = np.random.rand(vocab_len, emb_dim)
        et = torch.tensor(emb_matrix, dtype=torch.float32)
        embedding.weight = nn.Parameter(et,requires_grad=False)
        self.embeddings = embedding
        # Bidirectional word-level RNN
        self.word_rnn = nn.GRU(emb_dim, word_rnn_size, num_layers=word_rnn_layers, bidirectional=True,
                               dropout=dropout, batch_first=True)

        self.word_attention = nn.Linear(2 * word_rnn_size, word_att_size)

        self.word_context_vector = nn.Linear(word_att_size, 1, bias=False)

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
    def forward(self, documents, sentences_per_document, words_per_sentence):
        sentences_per_document = sentences_per_document.squeeze(dim=1)
        sentences = documents.squeeze()

        words_per_sentence = words_per_sentence.squeeze()                                              
        sentences = self.dropout(self.embeddings(sentences))  # (n_sentences, word_pad_len, emb_size)
        packed_words = pack_padded_sequence(sentences,
                                            enforce_sorted=False)  # (n_words, word_emb)

        packed_words, _ = self.word_rnn(
            packed_words)  #(n_words, 2 * word_rnn_size)
        att_w = self.word_attention(  # (n_words, att_size)
        att_w = torch.tanh(att_w)  # (n_words, att_size)
        att_w = self.word_context_vector(att_w).squeeze(1)  # (n_words)

        max_value = att_w.max()  # scalar, for numerical stability during exponent calculation
        att_w = torch.exp(att_w - max_value)  # (n_words)
        att_w, _ = pad_packed_sequence(PackedSequence(data=att_w,
                                       total_length=100)  # (n_sentences, max(words_per_sentence))

        word_alphas = att_w / torch.sum(att_w, dim=1, keepdim=True)  # (n_sentences, max(words_per_sentence))
        sentences, _ = pad_packed_sequence(packed_words,
                                           batch_first=True,total_length=100)  # (n_sentences, max(words_per_sentence), 2 * word_rnn_size)
        print (sentences.size())
        # Find sentence embeddings
        sentences = sentences * word_alphas.unsqueeze(2)  # (n_sentences, max(words_per_sentence), 2 * word_rnn_size)
        sentences = sentences.sum(dim=1)  # (n_sentences, 2 * word_rnn_size)

I was able to solve this by creating my own packing and unpacking methods to use during export. From what I understand, exporting to ONNX does not support creating your own instance of PackedSequence. I submitted an issue to Pytorch.