Partial derivative of custom loss

Hi, I have a problem to implement custom loss using torch.autograd.Function

I know that there is MSELoss() in pytorch.
But I want to implement it via custom loss with image data.

class customMSE(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx,output, target):
        ctx.save_for_backward(output, target)

        loss = torch.norm(output-target,p=2) / 2
    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        output, target = ctx.saved_tensors

        return (output - target) * partial_derivative

In this case, how can I define partial derivative of output with respect to the network parameters.
Should I have to implement all the chain rule?
Is there any method to get the partial derivative?

Hello @hyuntae

I had a followup question

  • Do you want to just have a custom Loss Function between input and output
def lossCalc(x,y):
    return torch.sum(torch.add(x,-y)).pow(2)
# Input Data
X=np.random.rand(numRows * numSentences * numWords,inputDim)

# Resizing

# Creating Y

for epoch in range(epochRange):
    for curBatch in range(totalBatches):
        lossVal = lossVal + loss
    if(epoch % 1==0):
        print("For epoch {}, the loss is {}".format(epoch,lossVal))
print("Model Training completed")
  • Or do you want to use some operation on the gradients
    If this is the case, how will you know the expected value for comparison?

Vào 16:14, T.2, 25 Th11, 2019 Hyuntae Choi via PyTorch Forums đã viết:

Thanks for reply @ anantguptadbl.

My example code is just compare between input and output.

I think that torch.autograd calculates the partial derivative of output.
In this case CodeCogsEqn
where u is output of network, f is input image and w is parameter of network.

But I don’t know how to calculate 1 in my custom loss backward function.


Your custom loss only needs to compute the partial derivative wrt it’s input. The autograd engine will use the chain rule and the other gradients formulas implemented in pytorch to compute the gradienst wrt the weights.

What you are given, if your loss is L and you compute out = your_fn(inp), is grad_output is dL/dout. And you should return dL/dinp. That is usually written as dL/dinp = dL/dout * dout/dinp. which is the formula you present above.
The autograd will take care of computing dL/dw using your computed dL/dinp.

1 Like

Hi , how did you solved problem? would you please explain whole custom loss how can be calculate with nice example.
Alban said we have to compute derivative of loss wrt input (dl/dinp) when using autograd but in tutorials custom relu function why we didnt calculated grad_input[input > 0 ] = 1.please would you give example on mse loss as you solved . Thanks :slight_smile: