Polar coordinates transformation layer

in the forward function of a neural network I would like, in the propagation between two layers, to insert a polar coordinate conversion (the output of the first layer is intended to be a set of 2D Cartesian coordinates).
How can I achieve that? Can I put it directly in the forward function or is it needed to create a new layer to do that? How does the backpropagation deal with that?
Sorry for the dumb question, but I am quite new to PyTorch.
Thanks in advance


If you use a function that only use pytorch Tensors and pytorch functions, No need for a new layer. You can use the following in your forward pass (make changes for batch-size if you need):

def to_polar(x, y):
  return (x**2 + y**2).sqrt(), torch.atan(y/x)

Thank you for the answer!
What if I have a [21, 2] size tensor in which the first column is x and the second y?
What is an efficient way to make that conversion?

Then you need to replace the addition with a .sum(-1) and the division by t.select(-1, -1)/t.select(-1, 0).
If you want a single Tensor for the output, you can use torch.stack([r, theta], -1) to get an output of size [21, 2].

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Perfect, I implemented it (your second strategy) and it was working fine as soon as I was having only one batch.

The problem is that I actually have a [BATCH_SIZE, 42] (intermediate) input and I was reshaping it as [21,2] when the batch was 1 without any problem, simply using something like h.view(21, 2).
How to deal with that when BATCH_SIZE is different from 1? How should I reshape it to fit the function to_polar?

Sorry for the dumb question, but I am not very familiar with these sizing issues.


You can make it into a 3D Tensor of size [batch, 21, 2] and use the same function as above. Since we index with -1 (last dimension), it does not really matter how many there are before.
Also if the input is always of size 42, you can do .view(-1, 21, 2).

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