Problem with functorch.hessian

I am calculating the hessian of a ( 2,2) linear model using functorch.hessian as follows

model = torch.nn.Linear(2,2).to(device)
inputs = torch.rand(1,2).to(device)
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
target=torch.ones(len(inputs), dtype=torch.long).to(device)

func, func_params = functorch.make_functional(model) 

def loss(params):
    out = func(params, inputs) 
    return criterion(out, target)  


Since I have 2 inputs and 2 outputs so we have basically 4 parameters I was expecting to see the second derivative with respect to these 4 parameters but the output looks different or not understandable. For example, the output of the code above is the following:

((tensor([[[[ 0.0217,  0.0701],
            [-0.0217, -0.0701]],
           [[ 0.0701,  0.2266],
            [-0.0701, -0.2266]]],
          [[[-0.0217, -0.0701],
            [ 0.0217,  0.0701]],
           [[-0.0701, -0.2266],
            [ 0.0701,  0.2266]]]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<ViewBackward0>),
  tensor([[[ 0.0718, -0.0718],
           [ 0.2321, -0.2321]],
          [[-0.0718,  0.0718],
           [-0.2321,  0.2321]]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<ViewBackward0>)),
 (tensor([[[ 0.0718,  0.2321],
           [-0.0718, -0.2321]],
          [[-0.0718, -0.2321],
           [ 0.0718,  0.2321]]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<ViewBackward0>),
  tensor([[ 0.2377, -0.2377],
          [-0.2377,  0.2377]], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<ViewBackward0>)))

Does anyone have an idea what’s going on? and how can I calculate the trace of the hessian matrix in this case?