Problems with splitting a large size image into small pieces

I am having nine large images of size (3001,401,5) and a corresponding label of the same size. I have been trying to split the images into small patches of 64*64. Subsequently, combine the nine small pieces to make up a sample input (which will be an input with 9 channels). My codes are as follows:

ind = 0

smallD1 = {}
smallD2 = {}
smallD3 = {}
smallD4 = {}
smallD5 = {}
smallD6 = {}
smallD7 = {}
smallD8 = {}
smallD9 = {}
smallD10 = {}

data = [];label = []
for sliceI in range(0, data1.shape[2]):
    for i in range(0, data1.shape[0], cutSize):
        for j in range(0, data1.shape[1], cutSize):
            smallD1[ind] = data1[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
            smallD2[ind] = data2[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
            smallD3[ind] = data3[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
            smallD4[ind] = data4[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
            smallD5[ind] = data5[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
            smallD6[ind] = data6[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
            smallD7[ind] = data7[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
            smallD8[ind] = data8[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
            smallD9[ind] = data9[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]

            sample_total= np.stack((smallD1, smallD2,smallD3,smallD4,smallD5,smallD6,smallD7,smallD8,smallD9))
            #sample_total= np.concatenate((smallD1, smallD2,smallD3,smallD4,smallD5,smallD6,smallD7,smallD8,smallD9),axis=2)
            #sample_total=np.expand_dims(sample_total, axis=-1)

            smallD10 [ind] = data10[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
            smallD10=np.expand_dims(smallD10, axis=0)


            ind = ind + 1

When I run the codes, the following error occurs

smallD10 [ind] = data10[i:i + cutSize, j:j + cutSize, sliceI]
IndexError: index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1

Please, how can I make it run?

Thank you very much for your time and patience

It seems that data10 matrix is not read correctly, check data10 shape .

Thank you for the reply sir. I have checked it several times and there is no problem with the matrix shape. I have tried different approaches, but all in vain. I still can not figure out what is wrong with the codes. Please, any other methods for splitting images into small pieces apart from my codes? Any suggestions or recommendations would be highly appreciated.