Properly make autograd.Function with scalar variable

I made a customized layer for scalar x vector when scalar is a variable and vector is fixed.

class mul_scalar(torch.autograd.Function):
  Customized autograd.Function of
  f(T,s) = s * T,
  where T is a fixed Tensor and s is a Variable

  def forward(self, T, s_var):
    self.save_for_backward(T, s_var)
    return T.mul(s_var[0])

  def backward(self, grad_output):
    T, s_var = self.saved_tensors
    return grad_output.mul(s_var[0]),

I made my nn.Module and declare = mul_scalar() in nn.Module.__init__.

class Net(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, var=1):
    super(Net, self).__init__() = mul_scalar()
  def forward(self, x):
    ..., w)

However, when backpropagating it, there is an error related to retain variables.
How to declare my own function properly in this case?

As an alternative way, I can use in forward function as follows: (but I want to declare mul_scalar() in __init__)

  def forward(self, x):
    c = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([1]), requires_grad = True)
    ms = mul_scalar()
    z1 = ms(x, c)

@Ja-Keoung_Koo Because all your operations are already differentiable by autograd, you don’t need to create a new torch.autograd.Function for that.
You can simply define a python function, and it will perform as expected:

def mul_scalar(T, s_var):
    # supposes that T is 1D var
    # need to unsqueeze s_var if not
    return T * s_var.expand_as(T)

@Ja-Keoung_Koo also, note that all arguments to forward have to be Variables. If you have any non-variable parameters (like a fixed tensor), you should pass them to the function’s __init__.

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Thanks for kind replies. Is it safe to use functions like expand_as, unsqueeze and so on? I wonder that when backprogating, grad_output is automatically resized.

Yes, it is safe to use these functions, and they were unit tested so they should be fine.

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