Pytorch 2 Export QAT is training

I am working on a Yolo class object detection model and was able to do QAT in Static eager mode. With Pytorch 2.5 I am trying Pytorch 2 Export dynamic QAT, the code runs without any error, but loss and eval mAP don’t change with training epochs.

Here is my QAT preparation code. (Code is running on CPU). Once I receive the PT2E model from the below code training is done as usual.

    from import XNNPACKQuantizer, get_symmetric_quantization_config
    from import (
    from torch.export import Dim

    batch_size = Dim("batch", min=1, max=512)  # Batch size between 1 and 512
    _height = Dim("_height", min=2)  # Base height
    _width = Dim("_width", min=2)  # Base width
    gt = Dim("gt", min=1, max=120)  # Ground truth dimension

    # Adjusted dynamic dimensions (height and width are multiples of 32)
    height = 32 * _height
    width = 32 * _width

    example_inputs = (
        torch.rand(2, 3, test_size[0], test_size[1]),
        # torch.rand(2, 120, 5)

        {0: batch_size, 2: height, 3: width}, 
        # {0: batch_size, 1:gt }

    float_model = deepcopy(model)
    exported_model = torch.export.export_for_training('cpu'), 
    quantizer = XNNPACKQuantizer().set_global(get_symmetric_quantization_config())
    prepared_model = prepare_qat_pt2e(exported_model, quantizer)

    original_weights = torch.load(ckpt_file)['model']
    prepared_model.load_state_dict(original_weights, strict=False)
    return prepared_model

Am I missing something?