Pytorch RuntimeError: expected device cpu but got device cuda:0

Hello, i am doing someting wrong but i dont know what and i get this runtime error.

d_r = [T.sum(T.FloatTensor([self.gamma**i for i in range(r[j:].size(0))])
RuntimeError: expected device cpu but got device cuda:0

Codes is:

s = T.tensor(self.buffer['s'], dtype=T.double).to(self.device)
a = T.tensor(self.buffer['a'], dtype=T.double).to(self.device).view(-1, 1)
r = T.tensor(self.buffer['r'], dtype=T.double).to(self.device)
s_n = T.tensor(self.buffer['s_n'], dtype=T.double).to(self.device)
d = T.tensor(self.buffer['d'], dtype=T.double).to(self.device).view(-1, 1)

d_r = [T.sum(T.FloatTensor([self.gamma**i for i in range(r[j:].size(0))])\
             * r[j:]) for j in range(r.size(0))]

Can someone help me what i am doing wrong?

could you share a minimal code that the others can just copy and paste to reproduce the error?

There is link to GitHub repo

But it needs packages for Gym to run in it.

The runtime error is from file