Pytorch torch.linalg.svd returning U and V^T, which are not orthogonal

Using U,S, VT = torch.linalg.svd(M), the matrix ‘M’ is large, so I am getting the matrices U and VT as non orthogonal. When I compute torch.norm(, matrix.t()) - identity_matrix)) its ~0.004 and also when I print M.M^T, the diagonal entries are not 1, rather 0.2 or 0.4 and non diagonals are not 0, but ~0.0023. IS there a way to get SVD with orthogonal U and V^T ?

But the singular values i.e. diagonal elements of S are near to 1 only.

matrix = torch.randn(4096, 4096) 
u, s, vh = torch.linalg.svd(matrix) 
matrix = torch.matmul(u, vh)
print('norm ||WTW - I||: ',torch.norm(, matrix.t()) - torch.eye(matrix.shape[0]))) 

Changing precision to float64 helped to make ||M*M^T -I|| order of 1E-13, also I am using “gesvd” that uses QR decomposition and more stable:

u, s, vh =  torch.linalg.svd(matrix, driver='gesvd')

but I am cautious that will it work fine or will ill-conditioned matrix fail this? So is there a way to get stable SVD in pytorch?

Hi Bhartendu!

You are testing the orthogonality of your original random matrix, matrix.
You should be testing the orthogonality of the result of the decomposition,
u and vh, instead.


K. Frank

@KFrank Thanks, that was typo in copy pasting the code. I checked orthogonality of matrix = u *vh and individually of u and vh. But not getting them as orthogonal.

Hi Bhartendu!

It works for me:

>>> import torch
>>> print (torch.__version__)
>>> _ = torch.manual_seed (2023)
>>> matrix = torch.randn (4096, 4096)
>>> u, s, vh = torch.linalg.svd (matrix)
>>> uut = torch.matmul (u, u.t())
>>> print ('norm ||uut - I||: ', torch.norm (uut - torch.eye (uut.shape[0])))
norm ||uut - I||:  tensor(0.0003)
>>> vvt = torch.matmul (vh, vh.t())
>>> print ('norm ||vvt - I||: ', torch.norm (vvt - torch.eye (vvt.shape[0])))
norm ||vvt - I||:  tensor(0.0003)


K. Frank