RandomResiedCrop not transforming mask


I’m trying to use RandomResizedCrop from transforms.v2 for a segmentation model, but for some reason I can’t get it working on both the images and masks at the same time.

my code:

    transforms_train['shared'] = T.Compose([
        T.RandomResizedCrop(size = [512,512],
                            scale = (0.25, 2.0),
                            ratio = (0.5, 2.0),
                            interpolation = T.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR,
                            antialias   =   True),

    def __getitem__(self, i):
            i   [int]                   : Index of the image to get

            image_tensor [torch.Tensor] : 3 x H x W Tensor

            label_tensor [torch.Tensor] : H x W Tensor as semantic map
        image = tv_tensors.Image(read_image(self.dataset_dict[i]['img_path'], mode = ImageReadMode.RGB))
        seg_map = tv_tensors.Mask(read_image(self.dataset_dict[i]['semantic_path'], mode = ImageReadMode.GRAY))
        if self.reduce_zero_label:
            seg_map = self._reduce_zero_label(seg_map)
        image, seg_map = self._preprocess(image, seg_map)
        seg_map = seg_map

    def _preprocess(self, image, seg_map):
        # Apply 'shared' transform first, if it exists
        if 'shared' in self.transforms:
            print(f"Before shared transform")
            print(f"Dataset mode is: {self.mode}")
            print(f"Image type: {type(image)}, shape: {image.shape}")
            print(f"Image dtype: {image.dtype}")
            print(f"Segmentation map type: {type(seg_map)}, shape: {seg_map.shape}")
            print(f"Segmentation map dtype: {seg_map.dtype}")
            image, seg_map = self.transforms['shared']((image, seg_map))
            print(f"After shared transform")
            print(f"Image type: {type(image)}, shape: {image.shape}")
            print(f"Segmentation map type: {type(seg_map)}, shape: {seg_map.shape}")

        # Apply 'img' transform, if it exists
        if 'img' in self.transforms:
            image = self.transforms['img'](image)

        # Apply 'mask' transform, if it exists
        if 'mask' in self.transforms:
            seg_map = self.transforms['mask'](seg_map)

        return image, seg_map

The output i’m getting:
Before shared transform
Dataset mode is: train
Image type: <class ‘torchvision.tv_tensors._image.Image’>, shape: torch.Size([3, 375, 500])
Image dtype: torch.uint8
Segmentation map type: <class ‘torch.Tensor’>, shape: torch.Size([1, 375, 500])
Segmentation map dtype: torch.uint8
After shared transform
Image type: <class ‘torchvision.tv_tensors._image.Image’>, shape: torch.Size([3, 512, 512])
Segmentation map type: <class ‘torch.Tensor’>, shape: torch.Size([1, 375, 500])
Before shared transform
Dataset mode is: train
Image type: <class ‘torchvision.tv_tensors._image.Image’>, shape: torch.Size([3, 335, 500])
Image dtype: torch.uint8
Segmentation map type: <class ‘torch.Tensor’>, shape: torch.Size([1, 335, 500])
Segmentation map dtype: torch.uint8
After shared transform
Image type: <class ‘torchvision.tv_tensors._image.Image’>, shape: torch.Size([3, 512, 512])
Segmentation map type: <class ‘torch.Tensor’>, shape: torch.Size([1, 335, 500])

I’d expect both the segmentation maps and images to be the same size. This happens with or without casting it to tv_tensors, with or without changing the dtypes to floa32 and int64. Any input on what I’m doing wrong would be greatly appreciated!


Found the issue. The method:

    def _reduce_zero_label(self, seg_map):
        Reduce the zero label to -1
        seg_map = seg_map - 1
        seg_map[seg_map == -1] = 255
        return seg_map

Converts the tv_tensor back to torch.tensor, and then the transforms break.