Rewriting the code of Tensorflow (Need Review) - Just 2 lines only

In TensorFlow, there is two function get_initial_state(self) and single_step(self, context, word_id)

where (Link: )

def get_initial_state(self):
“”“Exported function which emits zeroed RNN context vector.”""
# This seems a bug in TensorFlow, but passing tf.int32 makes the state tensor also int32.
fake_input = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1, 1])
initial_state = tf.stack(self.rnn.get_initial_state(fake_input))
return {“initial_state”: initial_state}

def single_step(self, context, word_id):
“”“Exported function which perform one step of the RNN model.”""
rnn = tf.keras.layers.RNN(self.cells, return_state=True)
context = tf.unstack(context)
context = [tf.unstack© for c in context]

inputs = self.embedding(word_id)
rnn_out_and_states = rnn(inputs, initial_state=context)

rnn_out = rnn_out_and_states[0]
rnn_states = tf.stack(rnn_out_and_states[1:])

logits = self.fc(rnn_out)
output = self.get_score(logits)
log_prob = output[0, word_id[0, 0]]
return {"log_prob": log_prob, "rnn_states": rnn_states, "rnn_out": rnn_out}

where these functions are used in Kaldi Language Model rescoring (which is present in the same code from line 230-236)


print(“Saving model to %s.” % FLAGS.save_path)
spec = [tf.TensorSpec(shape=[config.num_layers, 2, 1, config.hidden_size], dtype=data_type(), name=“context”),
tf.TensorSpec(shape=[1, 1], dtype=tf.int32, name=“word_id”)]
cfunc = model.single_step.get_concrete_function(*spec)
cfunc2 = model.get_initial_state.get_concrete_function(), FLAGS.save_path, signatures={“single_step”: cfunc, “get_initial_state”: cfunc2})

To which I did in PyTorch LM (standard example)
traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, (train_data, hidden))‘’)

Does This do the same as Tesorflow both functions do?
Can I get initial_state, rnn_state, and rnn_output?

Thank you in advance (Very Important it is)

Could you explain, what the TF methods are doing?
I would recommend to store fixed numpy inputs, load them for both frameworks (in PyTorch you would have to transform the numpy array to a tensor via torch.from_numpy), and compare their outputs.
This would make sure that both methods are indeed using the same underlying operations and parameters.

Sir the first function get_initial_state() - gives initial_state (h_0)
whereas second function single_step(self, context, word_id) - gives log_prob (output probability) rnn_states (h_(n-1):h_1) and output (h_n)

Sir correct me if I am wrong. Sir I need these in Pytorch…
So, I have stored…
traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, (train_data, hidden))‘’)

I will be using it in C++

It is for Pytorch-Kaldi Language Model rescoring…

The mentioned TF functions seem to be related to some internal utility functions for RNNs, while your PyTorch code traces a model and stores it.
I’m not sure, how these approaches are related.

If your PyTorch model also implements the TF methods, then you should be probably fine.

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Sir any suggestion to implement TF methods in Pytorch. Sorry Sir to disturb you again chasing a deadline “Interspeech”

Moreover Sir, We need to call all in C++. (Model + Methods Result) because Kaldi part except only C++ code for lattice rescoring.

As I’m not deeply familiar with the TF code, I assume get_initial_state might be equivalent to init_hidden and single_step seems to refer to the forward method.

If you need exactly the same results, I would still recommend to run the methods in isolation with a fixed input array and make sure you get the desired outputs.

Sir It is get_initial_state is equivalent to init_hidden and single_step is forward method

That’s why I used…

traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, (train_data, hidden))‘’)

And though to use forward function in C++.

I had to write these functions because it was used in a Wrapper for extracting getting the initial state.

I have written that: Link

    def get_initial_state(self, bsz):
        #bsz -> batch_size
        #h,c = self.init_hidden(bsz)
        h=torch.zeros(self.nlayers, batchsize, self.nhid)
        c=torch.zeros(self.nlayers, batchsize, self.nhid)
        return h