Run PyTorch on AWS in Less than 5mins with Open Source AMI

Time counts on AWS when you’re paying and a lot of people have used this AMI so far but I’ve not included PyTorch until today as I’m now an ardent supporter of PyTorch.

You can launch and get up and running with PyTorch in less than 5mins with DLAMI. It’s open-source, entirely free to use. I originally started it because I was frustrated running commands to install stuff before I can get PyTorch running on GPU.

Simply search for DLAMI.V1 or ami-7e3a5b1e. It’s only currently available in the oregon region but they’re a lot of spot instances here I believe. I will be expanding to more regions :slight_smile:

Feel free to contribute here or head to FAQs in case you run into anything although it’s unlikely:

Cheers :slight_smile: