RuntimeError: cannot resize variables that require grad

I am trying to implement the NMS with pytorch

My code is below

def nms(boxes, scores, overlap=0.5, top_k=200):
    keep =
    if boxes.numel() == 0:
        return keep
    x1 = boxes[:, 0]
    y1 = boxes[:, 1]
    x2 = boxes[:, 2]
    y2 = boxes[:, 3]
    area = torch.mul(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
    v, idx = scores.sort(0)  # sort in ascending order
    # I = I[v >= 0.01]
    idx = idx[-top_k:]  # indices of the top-k largest vals
    xx1 =
    yy1 =
    xx2 =
    yy2 =
    w =
    h =

    # keep = torch.Tensor()
    count = 0
    while idx.numel() > 0:
        i = idx[-1]  # index of current largest val
        # keep.append(i)
        keep[count] = i
        count += 1
        if idx.size(0) == 1:
        idx = idx[:-1]  # remove kept element from view
        # load bboxes of next highest vals
        #torch.index_select(x1, 0, idx, out=xx1)
        #torch.index_select(y1, 0, idx, out=yy1)
        #torch.index_select(x2, 0, idx, out=xx2)
        #torch.index_select(y2, 0, idx, out=yy2)
        xx1 = torch.index_select(x1, 0, idx)
        yy1 = torch.index_select(y1, 0, idx)
        xx2 = torch.index_select(x2, 0, idx)
        yy2 = torch.index_select(y2, 0, idx)
        # store element-wise max with next highest score
        xx1 = torch.clamp(xx1, min=x1[i])
        yy1 = torch.clamp(yy1, min=y1[i])
        xx2 = torch.clamp(xx2, max=x2[i])
        yy2 = torch.clamp(yy2, max=y2[i])
        w = xx2 - xx1
        h = yy2 - yy1
        # check sizes of xx1 and xx2.. after each iteration
        w = torch.clamp(w, min=0.0)
        h = torch.clamp(h, min=0.0)
        inter = w*h
        # IoU = i / (area(a) + area(b) - i)
        rem_areas = torch.index_select(area, 0, idx)  # load remaining areas)
        union = (rem_areas - inter) + area[i]
        IoU = inter/union  # store result in iou
        # keep only elements with an IoU <= overlap
        idx = idx[IoU.le(overlap)]
    return keep, count

and I got this error

RuntimeError: cannot resize variables that require grad

How can I solve this problem?

Are you sure you want to use the resize_ method and not reshape or view?
If so, could you explain why it’s needed in your code as it’s usually used internally and I don’t think it’s a safe method for custom modules?