RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE when calling `cublasSgemm( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, &beta, c, ldc)`

@Jeremy_Cochoy This was really helpful. Solved my issue.


@Jeremy_Cochoy Thanks for your comments!

@Jeremy_Cochoy Thanks!

Hello @Jeremy_Cochoy
I have added an nn.Linear(512,10) layer to my model and the shape of the input that goes into this layer is torch.Size([32,512,1,1]). I have tried reducing the batch size from 128 to 64 and now to 32, but each of these gives me the same error.
Any idea what could be going wrong?

1 Like

I think you want to transpose the dimensions of your input tensor before and after (Linear — PyTorch 1.9.0 documentation say it expect a Nx*xC_in tensor and you give him a 32x…x1 tensor)

Something like linear(x.transpose(1,3)).transpose(1,3) ?

Thanks a lot also solved my Issue!

I got the same error because of a mismatch of the input dimensions in the first layer.

Thanks for the hint!

helped me! thank you!

hello all,

I had this problem while I was using a smaller batch size (=4) for testing some code changes, while my initial batch size was 64. I checked the shapes for nn.Linear and they matched

After 1 hour I found that the only change was the batch size. By increasing batch size back to 64 everything worked perfectly. Pytorch version 1.8.1. Not sure why this error is caused.

Hope it helps!

1 Like

Thanks a lot! Solved my issue.

Hello all,

I am using pytorch ‘1.13.0+cu117’, my env is NVIDIA-SMI 450.80.02 Driver Version: 450.80.02 CUDA Version: 11.0

in the terminal of python, I tried the very simple example:

>>> import torch
>>> x=torch.ones(2,2,1).to('cuda')
>>> y=torch.ones(2,1,2).to('cuda')
>>> x

         [1.]]], device='cuda:0')
>>> y
tensor([[[1., 1.]],

        [[1., 1.]]], device='cuda:0')
>>> y@x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED when calling `cublasSgemmStridedBatched( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, stridea, b, ldb, strideb, &beta, c, ldc, stridec, num_batches)`
>>> torch.bmm(y,x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED when calling `cublasSgemmStridedBatched( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, stridea, b, ldb, strideb, &beta, c, ldc, stridec, num_batches)`
>>> torch.matmul(y,x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED when calling `cublasSgemmStridedBatched( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, stridea, b, ldb, strideb, &beta, c, ldc, stridec, num_batches)`
>>> x=torch.ones(2,1).to('cuda')
>>> y=torch.ones(1,2).to('cuda')
>>> y@x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED when calling `cublasSgemm( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, &beta, c, ldc)`
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED when calling `cublasSgemm( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, &beta, c, ldc)`
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED when calling `cublasSgemm( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, &beta, c, ldc)`

The issues are obviously not caused by the mismatch size. Anyone has any idea? thanks!

Could you post the output of python -m torch.utils.collect_env, please, as I cannot reproduce the error in 1.13.0+cu117 on a 3090.

Hello! I had the same issue as wtliao

This os my post of python -m torch.utils.collect_env:

PyTorch version: 1.13.0+cu117
Is debug build: False
CUDA used to build PyTorch: 11.7
ROCM used to build PyTorch: N/A

OS: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) (x86_64)
GCC version: (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)
Clang version: Could not collect
CMake version: Could not collect
Libc version: glibc-2.17

Python version: 3.8.11 (default, Sep 1 2021, 12:33:46) [GCC 9.3.1 20200408 (Red Hat 9.3.1-2)] (64-bit runtime)
Python platform: Linux-3.10.0-1160.42.2.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5
Is CUDA available: True
CUDA runtime version: 11.4.120
GPU models and configuration: GPU 0: Tesla T4
Nvidia driver version: 470.57.02
cuDNN version: Probably one of the following:
HIP runtime version: N/A
MIOpen runtime version: N/A
Is XNNPACK available: True

Versions of relevant libraries:
[pip3] numpy==1.23.4
[pip3] torch==1.13.0
[pip3] torchaudio==0.13.0
[pip3] torchcam==0.3.2
[pip3] torchvision==0.14.0
[conda] Could not collect

Also this error occurs while running

import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch
a = torch.rand((1, 2, 3)).to('cuda')
b = torch.rand((1, 3, 24, 94)).to('cuda')
grid = F.affine_grid(a, b.size())

File ~/.venv/default/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/, in affine_grid(theta, size, align_corners)
4329 elif min(size) <= 0:
4330 raise ValueError(“Expected non-zero, positive output size. Got {}”.format(size))
→ 4332 return torch.affine_grid_generator(theta, size, align_corners)

RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE when calling cublasSgemmStridedBatched( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &alpha, a, lda, stridea, b, ldb, strideb, &beta, c, ldc, stridec, num_batches)

I cannot reproduce the issue on a T4 with torch==1.13.0+cu117:

import torch
# 'Tesla T4'
# '1.13.0+cu117'

import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch
a = torch.rand((1, 2, 3)).to('cuda')
b = torch.rand((1, 3, 24, 94)).to('cuda')
grid = F.affine_grid(a, b.size())

tensor([[[[0.4507, 0.2959],
          [0.4582, 0.3064],
          [0.4656, 0.3169],
          [1.1288, 1.2493],
          [1.1363, 1.2597],
          [1.1437, 1.2702]],

         [[0.4635, 0.3081],
          [0.4710, 0.3186],
          [0.4784, 0.3291],
          [1.1417, 1.2615],
          [1.1491, 1.2719],
          [1.1566, 1.2824]],

         [[0.4763, 0.3203],
          [0.4838, 0.3308],
          [0.4913, 0.3413],
          [1.1545, 1.2736],
          [1.1619, 1.2841],
          [1.1694, 1.2946]],

It’s very strange, but when uninstall nvidia-cublas-cu11 that code starts working

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Could you post the log from the pip uninstall command to show which version you’ve exactly removed?
Since your code is now working I would guess your setup had multiple cublas libs installed.

I made some changes via simple installation of torch without version specifying and enter python -m torch.utils.collect_env

Collecting environment information...
PyTorch version: 1.13.1+cu117
Is debug build: False
CUDA used to build PyTorch: 11.7
ROCM used to build PyTorch: N/A

OS: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) (x86_64)
GCC version: (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)
Clang version: Could not collect
CMake version: Could not collect
Libc version: glibc-2.17

Python version: 3.8.11 (default, Sep  1 2021, 12:33:46)  [GCC 9.3.1 20200408 (Red Hat 9.3.1-2)] (64-bit runtime)
Python platform: Linux-3.10.0-1160.42.2.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.2.5
Is CUDA available: True
CUDA runtime version: 11.4.120
GPU models and configuration: GPU 0: Tesla T4
Nvidia driver version: 470.57.02
cuDNN version: Probably one of the following:
HIP runtime version: N/A
MIOpen runtime version: N/A
Is XNNPACK available: True

Versions of relevant libraries:
[pip3] numpy==1.23.4
[pip3] torch==1.13.1
[pip3] torchaudio==0.13.1
[pip3] torchcam==0.3.2
[pip3] torchvision==0.14.1
[conda] Could not collect

My code with affine grid still wasn’t working

Then after uninstalling nvidia-cublas the outout was Successfully uninstalled nvidia-cublas-cu11-

1 Like

This seems wrong:

PyTorch version: 1.13.1+cu117
CUDA used to build PyTorch: 11.7
CUDA runtime version: 11.4.120

since it points to a mismatch between the CUDA version used to build the wheels and which the pip install torch command would install (CUDA11.7 with all needed dependencies) vs. what is detected as your CUDA runtime (11.4).
Did you install other Python packages depending on CUDA11.4?

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I don’t know for sure which of my packages require CUDA11.4, I can assume that torchvision==0.14.0 depends on CUDA11.4

Why would you assume torchvision depends on CUDA 11.4. Did you see anything pointing towards this dependency in your install logs or during the runtime or is this pure guessing?