RuntimeError: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device

Hi everyone,
I know there is a lot of questions about “CUDA error no kernel…”, but I think I have a different issue.
I’m working on the university cluster, and I open virtual-env and install all the packages include torch-Cuda 9.2. When I try to run the program I get the error: RuntimeError: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device.

Now, I try to figure out if I need to install a regular torch without Cuda like torch 1.0.0.
Can someone having this problem ?


What GPUs is your cluster using?
Note that the binaries ship with pre-built CUDA, cudnn, etc. for GPUs with compute capability >=3.7.
If the GPUs you are using have an older cc, you might need to build PyTorch from source.

Yes I know that there is a lot of clusters, my question is if I install the simple version like torch == 1.0.0
it will install Cuda?
Because I think I don’t need to install Cuda, there is some version of Cuda on the clusters.

The binaries ship with their own CUDA, cudnn etc. so your local CUDA installation won’t be used.
Note that I was referring to the compute capability of your GPUs, not CUDA, in case there is a misunderstanding.