RuntimeError: in multiple concatenations :' invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0.'

Hello everyone,

I am trying to concatenate multiple times in forward pass of encoder.
My embeddings are : [[114,300],[6,50]], where 114 and 6 is “num_embeddings” and 300 and 50 is “embedding_dim”. Below is my code

        outer_tensor = []
        innner_tensor = []
        for train_pair in g_seqs:            
            input_tensor = train_pair
            input_length = input_tensor.size(0)
            for ei in range(input_length):                
                encoder_output = input_tensor[ei]
                embedded_features =  [embedding(f.view(-1)) for embedding, f in zip(self.g_embedding, encoder_output)]
                embedded =, dim=1).view(1, 1, -1)
            embed_inner_tensor = embedded =, dim=0).view(1, 1, -1)
        graph_embed_tensor =, dim=1).view(1, 1, -1)

where g_seqs is tensor below

tensor([[[12,  3],[30,  3],[31,  3],[ 0,  0], [ 0,  0]],
        [[ 53,  4],[ 14,  4],[35,  4],[ 0,  0], [ 0,  0]],
	[[ 33,  2],[ 24,  2],[31,  2],[ 10,  2], [ 0,  0]],
	[[ 23,  3],[ 4,  3],[28,  3], [29,  3], [ 2,  3]]])

At the final concatenation “graph_embed_tensor”, I am getting runtime error(where I am trying to concatenate outer_tensor )
i.e. RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0. Got 10500 and 21000 in dimension 3

In last concatenation i.e." graph_embed_tensor =, dim=1).view(1, 1, -1)". I am getting all tensors of different dimensions. [1,1,10500] , [1,1,21000], [1,1,31500].

How can I concatenate all these tesors of different dimensions? what would be the correct way to concatenate in this scenario. Any suggestion will be much appreciated.